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Hypocrits. =S


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Ok a while ago my friend lets call her Jenny told me that i didnt care about her or pay attention to her or how she was. I told her it was because I was having some troubles with having the flu and dealing with my fathers death (2 yrs ago).


She calmed down and said sorry and i said i would make more of an effort. That was 2 weeks ago.


Tonight, I ask her to sign a petition to get our school to give some alternatives to disecting animals (it is against my morals). She tells me to **** off she doesnt do that **** (meaning petitions). So im like...ok...then...she then turns her msn personal message to vegans are gay. Now, Im bi so I get offended when people use the word gay badly AND shes calling my views "gay" meaning bad in this case. That just set me off. I told her to **** herself and get a heart and she has no right to tell me i dont care when she wont support me in this and even slanders me in her name.


Should I even dare to try to re establish this once good friendship or just let it die?

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you know i went shopping with her one day and i she used gay so many times i wanted to smack her over the head. lol. I told her and she was like meh.. and no t only that but she even uses the word "homosexual" as bad grr now gay is one thing i mean its adapted a whole new meaning now but using a direct word saying that homosexual ppl are bad is really ignorant and arrogant.

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...you two know each other?


You've already tried to reason with her, maybe it's time to have a little break from each other for a few weeks. I'm not saying ignore her, but I am saying cut back and let her get over it while you do the same.


If the friendship is as strong as you think, it will reform in a few weeks. But just remember that sometimes friends we've known for a long time just suddenly change, and the people they change into aren't people we might want to associate with.

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Yeah, dont talk to her for a while. If she is gaybashing in your presense and you have told her that you do not like it, she is not respecting your feelings.


YOu will find as you go through life that there are many narrow minded people in this world. They come in all ages, sizes, and races.


You do however have a choice as to who your friends are. I know you care about her, if she continues to do this I guess you have to decide how much you are willing to take. Be true to yourself.

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Hey Matty, how are ya babe?


Well I agree with liza you guys really need to cool off. Take a break and then talk it all out. You guys were so close don't let this come between you. But it is important she realises she is hurting you.


If you explain to her how hurt you are and she still does things to hurt you then i think you need to let the friendship end. As sad as it is sometimes thats the best thing to do.


You know we are all here for you Matty and we love you.



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Like you said yourself, gay has a whole new meaning as well now, I bet some gay ppl use it that way too lol. I don't think she's homophobic or she wouldn't have been friends with you in the first place right ? My guess is she doesn't know you really cared about the petition/use-of-gay-word too much so he acted that way...tell her that you do and she how she acts from there.

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She sent me an email apologizing and saying she was in the midst of some fightd and was really sorry for taking it out on me.


I love you guys, you mean alot to me. Liza, my lucky muffin. Your always the one i jump to talk to when u sign on. Rozi, your my monkey. I always run to you when i need advice bcuz i know how much you care and how much u want to help.

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