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Turn in my brothers dealer???

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My brother is addicted to Oxycotin and has been for about 2 years. His dr won't prescribe it anymore. Now he gets them from a dealer. Well the dim wit used my cell phone the other night to call this dealer.


My brother knows he is addicted. His life has turned since he became addicted. He failed out of University, he moved back with my parents, and he is in debt.


If you had the number of the person who deals illegal prescriptions would you turn it over to the authorities?

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Being a former opiate addict myself, I would strongly advise against turning in your brother's dealer. Likewise, I strongly advise against forcing him (your brother) to do anything. He must decide to get clean on his own otherwise he will be resistant to therapy. Look into methadone clinics or doctors authorized to prescribe buprenorphine. Get some information together about treatment options and have a little chat wth your bro. Check out link removed


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i agree with Eto that it may be a bad idea. an addict may turn to really bad people for his fix if his current supplier disappears. i would also agree that you should make him aware of the local treatment facilities, although i seriously hope that they try to detox him on ancillary meds (e.g., benzodiazepenes) before putting him on another endorphin substitute like mathadone or bupe. those things will keep you off the streets but don't take away the actual addiction. and methadone is a life sentence 90% of the time, according to statistics gathered by the State of California.

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I would focus my energy on helping your brother get well. Turning in the dealer is not something I would do just realise the drug thing is a health issue that needs a lot of support, patience and understanding for the person to get well. Providing they want to. Getting the authorities involved could just make the situation worse I would try something like a trip to the country to get your brother in a different environment where he can look at things from a different perspective and appreciate that there is a hope and a future for him to get well and overcome this problem.


Good Luck

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Hi, EH. Sounds like quite a dilemma you have on your mind about what to do. I didn't catch this thread when you first posted it. Have you since decided what you are going to do ?


I am not sure what I would do myself if it were me. I see that you have received both sides of advice. Some say turn in the dealer and some don't.


Pondering on it though for a bit, I think I would lean toward turning in the phone number to the police dept because this dealer is probably supplying many people . I tend to be the type that would want to do all I could do to put any dealer out of commission.


Maybe first priority would be to find the resources available to get your brother some help. Then very soon turn in this number to the police. You can probably do this anonymously without anyone knowing it was you that turned it in.


My son-in-laws brother died last year from OD'ing on Oxy. He had also been on them by doctors prescription but could no longer get them, so he turned to dealer as well. OF course now, he is dead.

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I have was a big pot head ha...... I dont remember 1 1/2 years of my life becouse of pot. If you turn in your brothers dealler he will just get a new one and that one might sell him some thing that has been cut with outher stuff. Talk to him and try to show him how his life has truned out. There is a good chance that he will change.

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