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I like my friend, not sure if she likes me back. How can I tell?

Sam _

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Not long ago I posted a thread about how I was confused about my feelings towards her ( ). And I found that I do like her as more than a friend.


But how can I tell if my closest friend likes me back?


And how do I tell her that I like her?

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Wow, that's weird... I just read your other thread not two minutes ago and had thoughts on this exact topic...


The good thing with close girl friends is that if you like them and they don't return your feelings (Not saying she wont!) they'll at least let you down easily and with enough dignity to continue the friendship.


But if you don't have the courage to flat out ask her out somewhere as more than friends - and hey, I don't blame you, i'd rather be the target with an apple on his head on William Tell day - there are more subtle signs you can pick up on.


Body Language: Does she touch you when laughing or anything like that? When you're talking does she touch her hair a lot? Lick her lips? There are countless threads and webpages on reading the body language.


Communication: how often does she calls/talks to you and about what? Does she go out of her way to see you? ect...


Feeling: Do you get the feeling she likes you, just on your gut instinct? Our bodies are a lot better at picking this up than our heads are.


Honesty is the best policy, but it's also the hardest to enforce. Try looking for the signs for the next few days, and if you are going to tell her, make it very casual, build up to it! Don't dump everything on her at once... it makes things awkward...


Hope this helped... =)

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Well, I won't see her until Tuesday and I'm planning on asking her out to go to an amusement park with me next weekend. Next Sunday is it's last day open.


But, how do I make sure it's casual and I'm not just dumping it all on her?

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Casual: "I had a great time tonight"


Dumping: "OMG LUV U!"




Check out a couple of the threads on the dating boards that have to do with friendships as well, they contain a lot of good information.

And hey, I'll throw Diggitydogg a bone and link this:

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Casual: "I had a great time tonight"


Dumping: "OMG LUV U!"




Check out a couple of the threads on the dating boards that have to do with friendships as well, they contain a lot of good information.

And hey, I'll throw Diggitydogg a bone and link this: ]


lol, I don't think I'm just going to yell out "I LOVE YOU". I know that'll freak her out.


Well, how do I find them all without looking at every post?


I read Diggity's post and pretty much all I get out of it was that I should be more self-confident. Which isn't much of a problem anymore.

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im in a similar situation and though its against some of the advice i've been given on the forum, one of my closest friends to me and the friend i like has told me to just let her know how i feel....and I will do just that to probably find out that she doesnt like me back and just wants to stay friends but at least it will be off my chest!

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That's alright picsite, except if you do it suddenly it can freak the girl out, and that can impeded the possibility of a relationship and damage the friendship.


Not saying it wont work, or that you shouldn't do it, but you'd have to be one heck of a wordsmith...

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