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My girlfriend is on a shot called Depo. I think it is Depo-Provera Sub-Q to be more exact, but am not sure. I know this is supposed to be the best possible birth control you can use besides abstinence. Ever since she has been on this shot, her periods have stopped. She does not have ANY periods. Does this mean she is perfectly incapable of becoming pregnant while on the shot?

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Being incaple of getting pregnant is the point. It's 99.9% effective.

I am on it and I get a bit of spooting sometimes but not a full on period. The Depo-provera stops ovulation, so there's no egg to fertilize.

I find that it causes some moodiness. There's a site webMD that has a lot about Depo-provera shots. I like it becuase I have to deal with it once every three months.

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I think you can get pregnant period or not, it just depends on when she ovulates, if she isn't "dropping eggs" she can't get pregnant, but you never know when one is hanging around until it's too late and she is PG or she gets a period and it's flushed out with all the baby cushioning (is that too graphic?)


The depo-shot has a high success rate of preventing ovulation, but there is always a chance that an egg could "slip by" and you could fertilize it, it's best imo to use backup birth control always like her depo and your condom.


Plus the fact that depo has zero protection for STI

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