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I am currently 17 years old (this is my brother's account, excuse me for using it), and I am very physically (and I'd like to think mentally) mature. I basically already have a beard (not a shaggy one), and I'm alot 'bigger' than most guys my age.

But anyway, to the point. Since I am very physically mature, I often date girls whom are seemingly older than me. My current girlfriend is 22, and many people assume that I am the eldest. I absolutely refuse to date any younger girls, and I am reluctant to date girls my own age.

My sister and I were talking (she's 15), and she believes that I should date younger girls, so I could protect them and take care of them. I highly resented that comment; it is not my job to protect and take care of some young minded 15 year old girl, which is the reason I date older women, because they are more independent and on my level of physical maturity.

My two questions are:

1. Am I being shallow?

2. Why is it so wrong for guys not to be attracted to younger girls? It is ok if a girl is dating an older guy, but it is wrong if a guy is dating a younger girl?

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Your sister, at 15, is displaying the kind of attitude which should reassure you that you are taking a better path by dating over-18s only.


You arn't being shallow - you just get on better with older women, and there's nothing wrong with that.


It is fine to not be attracted to younger girls...I don't know anyone who wouldn't have a problem with that. In fact, thinking about it, I'm the same as you when it comes to girls (I'm bisexual) - I find those under 18 to be, largely, too immature for girlfriend material.


That doesn't mean I wouldn't be nice or whatever to younger girls, or have a 16 year old as a friend..but I wouldn't date them. You're fine....your sister has some pretty *young* views, I wouldn't take them on board.

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My sister and I were talking (she's 15), and she believes that I should date younger girls, so I could protect them and take care of them. I highly resented that comment; it is not my job to protect and take care of some young minded 15 year old girl, which is the reason I date older women, because they are more independent and on my level of physical maturity.

My two questions are:

1. Am I being shallow?

2. Why is it so wrong for guys not to be attracted to younger girls? It is ok if a girl is dating an older guy, but it is wrong if a guy is dating a younger girl?


hey - I think your attitutude is healthy - you shouldn't be dating a woman so as to 'protect' her. you are picking independent women, that is a good sign. i don't think you are shallow. just be on the lookout for mature girls your age. they do exist

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