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Why am I 30 y/o? I feel yonger than my age. VENT

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I'm just ranting here. I'm 30 y/o and simply feel that I can not connect with any woman that's above 26-28 years old. My parents also strongly support this notion that something's screwed up when I'm going out with desperate girls from the internet who are looking for a marriage partner that is over a certain age and it's starting to get to me. They think they are 'set in their ways' and are a complete waste of time. I use to think that a female is a female, and nothing matters as long as any girl likes me and is a HB, but now I'm not sure and think I can only be compatable with yonger girls. Incidentally, I dont think girls above 26-28 years can be fully comptable, and thereforeeee it's hard to believe that anyone above that specific age can even like me - because I dont feel like I'm 30 y/o, I feel yonger than my actual age.


Women my age (and even yonger) have complained to me on dates about past relationships, or just seem like they are settling down, and this just irks me, because like, what the heck is all this baggage about their 'bad experiences' with their ex's and past bf's, like who the crap cares, I'm infront of you stupid.


I dont know why this is bothering me - but the way my parents are rubbing it in, it's really irking me. My three recent dates were 29 y/o, 32 y/o and now a 34 y/o woman, and by parents keep rubbing it in. Argh I cant stand it.

I am staying away from online dating, and will only sarge in person for now.

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Oh man, I know how you feel. I turned the big 3-0 back in Feb. There is certainly a societal perception attached to that turning point I've seen. And I feel somewhat like yourself in that younger women are too "young" and older women are too "old"...


But dude, I read your post and there are more numbers in it than a math book! There's a lot more to an age than just a number. It sounds like you are simply meeting the wrong women, the age issue aside...


I completely understand your frustration. The root of the problem sounds to be your folks. I think you need to have a little sit-down with them and tell them how they are making you feel. Maybe they don't see how much it frustrates you or are not taking your frustration seriously. If it continues, tell them to leave you alone and then maybe make a little distance there for a while to break out of that rut.


After that, it sounds like you need to take a breather from women and dating. Your post reminded me of me a few months ago. I reached the breaking point of frustration and 86'd that racket. Let me tell you, life is good...

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I kind of understand what you mean, easy guy. I'm 35, but a lot of guys my age and even much younger are much 'older' in a lot of ways. Plus a lot of them seem really bitter, and they have a lot of baggage and stuff, talking about their exes and their children and all their problems, and I feel like, "Why tell me all that? I don't want to deal with all that". But then guys who are very young can be really bad at dealing with relationships sometimes, too, so it's kind of a no win situation sometimes.

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As a 30 year old woman (31 in just 3 short months...) I have to say that I can see what you are saying, the stakes definitely do seem higher when we are climbing into our 30's.


Alot of my friends are already married, and have 2 kids, 3 kids, and it blows my mind. Heck, I'm just finishing my second career in college now!


The thing with dating girls closer to your age, is that they have more dating experience, (perhaps more to draw back on as negative) but also may or may not be looking for something serious. How many 30 somethings out there just want to play around and have it not go anywhere?


It's tough, but if you are up front about what you are looking for in a date, perhaps you'll have better luck. And I don't think complaining about ex's s exclusive to people our age... I hear just as many 'young kids' complaining about bad relationships they've been in too.

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Luke Skywalker,


Maybe...as a thirty year old man...you should try to care a bit less what your parents think. If you feel like you can't connect with anybody your own chronological age, by all means date your emotional age and don't worry what anybody thinks...in either direction. You're in charge.

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Yes, age is just a number. I can relate. I'm in my 20's, and I honestly feel like someone who just came out of highschool...I am really seeing life for the first time.

You are just a late bloomer, and you will grow up eventually.

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