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How long do I wait?


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You can wait until you miss your period for 2 weeks, then you'll have to buy a pregnancy test. However, pregnancy test can be un accurate, if it comes come negative even on two of the tests, there's always still that possible that you can be pregnancy. After taking your pregnancy test, go to a doc.

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Wait until you've missed your period, or if you have irregular periods, 2 weeks after conception. If you think that the last time you had sex was the time you got pregnant, wait two weeks and test.


And pregnancy tests ARE accurate, if used correctly. As in, at the time you missed your period. What time you use it during the day doesn't matter much, but you'll get a darker 2nd line with your first morning urine if you are pregnant. It is a very rare thing that a test is inaccurate, and even then, it's usually due to user error and not test error.


Check out link removed if you have more questions.

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It's better to wait until you miss period. While you can get early detection ones (that detect up to 5 days before missed period) they tend to not be as accurate (ie 5 days ahead 60% accuracy, 4 days ahead a little more, and so forth). This is because it's generally about two weeks after ovulation (and conception) and the egg has had time to implant and the body has built up hormones to detectable levels.


Some people also won't test positive until a week or so after they miss period as the hormones need to build in their system longer. Tests really ARE quite accurate 99% of the time.


Also, while you can get a false negative, there is no false positives...if you test negative but are still not having period, go see your doctor for a blood test.

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