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I Dont Want to Change


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Throughout my highschool life i have found a lot of useful advice from this website. And over three years i have moved from a shy quiet kid, to a guy who women are constantly hitting on and giving their phone numbers to. The one thing that hasn't changed is my kindess to other people. Even though getting women isn't a challenge anymore, i still treat every girl i get like shes the only woman i will ever get. I am polite, kind, and considerate. 2 Days before Christmast this Last year my x-girlfriend broke up with me. I basically poured out every feeling i had into that relationship. So it was a hard one to get over. Especially because her reason for ending it was that she lost interest. Ever since than i have been a little different. I have been polite, but i am always tempted to be a jerk. I am currently in a relationship, and i am losing interest. I keep on getting attracted to other girls who like me, and i am tempted to cheat. The only thing keeping me from doing this is that i know i will regret it. Its like i still care for her a lot, but just dont have the same chemistry. I am really worried about myself because it feels like everyday i am flirting with more and more girls besides her. I know i still care about her because i feel guilty. I also know that i like her but it feels like something deeper is telling me that. I dont really know whats going on but I dont want to change. Is their is a reason why im feeling this way? Does it sound like i still do like her? I think about her all the time. Just not in the same ways. Why am i changing?

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You're not changing, your feelings and attitudes are changing, which is normal at your age. I think it's better to stop seeing the girl and be honest with her. If you feel tempted and the chemistry is gone (after a few months, right? Your other relationship ended in 2005?), it's time to call it quits.



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caring about someone doesnt mean you want to be with them trust me i know read my one and you will see.


You can care about someone and not love them but still want to protect them and make sure they are ok. But dont cheat break the relationship off cheating is never the answer to anything it just involves lying and mis-trust

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If you were 40 and married with kids, my advice would be very different but you are not. We're talking girlfriend here and if the spark has gone, it's time to move on. It's fair on both of you. Sure she'll be hurt and so will you but it'll give you a chance to explore your attraction to girls and for her to meet someone who can be more committed to her.

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