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what to do.?


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hi all,

need a bit of advice...I've just come back from a camp, and that made me realise that I have some strong feelings for someone. We are mates (through our course), but just to the point of occasional chatting.

I spent 3 days with her, and before then, we hadn't really talked that much. It came out that we have alot in common, and we get on really really well.

she is a year older than me, and next year is moving down south (which for nz isn't really that far.

What I wan't to know is do I try and make something of this? and if so, HOW?!

I'm really really shy, and i'm worried about loosing a friendship if i try to make something.



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Ask yourself, what benefit do you have from being shy? ZERO, so you want to throw that away in your life by just putting your mind on zero and going for gold in life and asking her out.


You know its a win win situation for you, if you ask her out and she says no, you can move on with your life, and say to yourself, (at least i tried) that way you don't blame yourself, if she says yes you got a date.


Losing her friendship is better, then the self torture you are giving yourself at this moment and the longer you take the more unbearable it becomes, so just ask her out and be done with it.

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Go easy on him robo! I remember what it was like being in that situation...


Number one thing to remember is you won't lose her friendship just by trying to establish a relationship with her. If nothing happens you always be friends, no sweat!


What kind of things does she like? Maybe you could try getting involved in something like that... provided it is a one on one situation ;p


If you don't really know what kind of thing she likes doing on the weekend then just ask her politely if she would like to go and see a movie with you sometime on the weekend.


Don't put any pressure on yourself, it isn't worth it... and I reckon your odds are pretty good already anyway!



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ok thanks...

I do know that every second weekend, for our course, we go tramping (in a group of about 15-20 people), and in the winter, when were not doing that, she's down at the mountian skiing (which I do enjoy), but I think she goes with her family...?

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