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simply said


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its actually really easy, first start off by just rubbing until the entire thing feels slippery, itll be pretty easy to tell the difference from her normal wetness to her aroused wetness.


then make sure your finger is warm and covered in all of her stuff, and move it in circles around the clit, which, if you've been turning her on right, will feel a little bit like a hard bump, then what i usually do is do the age old come here motion with the tip of my finger slower, and then judging by how she reacts faster and harder...or even slower and softer, usually thatll be enough...


but after you do that a few times, chances are she'll be wanting something new so if you are good enough at technique one might i suggest getting her naked and making sure shes comfortable with you face to face with her little friend.


Then move your fingers in circles on the clit, and with your other hand put your fingers in a little bit and curl them up, if you're hitting a spongy feeling part in there you've got the right spot, press on it with a little pressure but not too much, put your fingers in deep and curl them all the way back to the opening, swirl them in circles...if all is working correctly her vagina will start to feel like its pushing you out...


time to close your eyes because that usually means shes going to ejaculate! Which in my experience is alot more intense than a normal orgasm due to the amount of screaming and fidgeting that comes along with it. But you have to perfect technique 1 before moving onto technique 2 otherwise you'll just sit in frustration and she'll say shes tired


good luck!


shoulda added that it NEVER takes me more than 5 minutes to get a girl off, EVER, the quickest i've done it is 2 minutes, this is of course not counting the time it takes to get her aroused enough...experiment a bit, and don't go quick or else your fingers will wanna fall off way before shes ready for them to

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Good technique description from TheWriter1 there, but before you get to that stage make sure you get her really relaxed & aroused: comfortable atmospere, kisses & caresses over her whole body, massages, whatever turns her on - having a guy go straight for the clit is no fun! Once she's really turned on, go clit-hunting


Also, if it doesn't happen, it doesn't automatically mean you're doing something wrong - she could be tense regardless of what you do just because she's shy or fairly new to sex or whatever, you may just need more time to get comfortable around each other.


Good luck!

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