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My ex has just text me after 1 week of NC

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And said "long time no speak!Jus wonderin ow u woz? X tb iv ya can lv chelsey X"


Just wondering what this means? Is she being just polite or she thinking about me?, she alredy has a boyfriend as she cheated on me with him but stil cares about me she said and we were together for 7 months. I would like to get back together with her and she says she would get back with me if this new relationship dont work out.


Also what should i say back to her? I want to sound busy and moving on but also care about her an be nice/funny etc...


Reply soon please as i want to text her back soon.


Thanks alot. Jay

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walk away....dude! if it doesn't work out. that means ur the fallback...i don't want to sound harsh but get a little self respect. She telling u another guy is a better choice then u and will sit and wait fer her to see "if" this other relationship doesn't work out. thats pretty bad

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thanks for ur opinion but im just looking for advice 2 sound gud, get her 2 think about me more and what she is missing. i know wot ur saying but what why we vroke up will take too long to talk about it wasnt just her fault it was mine aswel


so has anyone got any advice on how to do that and not just knock my self respect?



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dude man i totally agree with the above poster!!!!

its either forget that trash or give her the choice....U or the other dude!!!


dont take anything else but the words "i choose u"


and when she says any other words other than i choose u.....say thats enough information for me, then HANG UP!

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I understand that you want her back - but are you sure that is wise? She has already left you one for someone else - if you took her back you would be waiting all the time for her to do it again. And the chances are that she would.


Don't let her put you on the back burner here - move on to someone who treats you well and wants you in a better way.

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put it this way my friend....


she cheated on u....i can put money on it that nothing u did to her compare to what she did to u!!!!!!


and the thing is....if u REALLY still want to be with her after she cheated on u....is u have to show her that ur a "man" who has the b4lls to take control of a situation!!! dont let her have the ball or the power to have u sitting around waiting for her! i really believe thats the only way

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There is no way to get her thinking about you, she already is. She's thinking your going to be there the whole time while she sees how things are with other guys. FYI your the fallback, if she's doing these kinds of things she doesn't care about you at all because they are not things you do if you care about someone. Walk away and move on, this girl is only trying to screw with your head.

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Look mate, I ain't ragging on ya. I totally understand that you want her back. You just need to look in urself about this one.


She had a choice between u and another guy, and she chose the other guy. Its pretty harsh she tells u that if this relationship falls through, then she'll consider u as a viable option. I agree with DN here, she most likely will do the very same thing again. I am not saying she will always be a cheater, but if she showed no emotion about it or regret then you need to look at that.


You need to be a bigger man here. Go with what Hoping said, move on fer now get another romance going or give urself some space from her. If you still feel this way in 6 months, then make the attempt if she's single. Just don't wait around for her. 1)that makes u sit and wait 2) makes u look pathetic (sry!) 3) may make u miss a more fantastic woman around the bend. All I am saying is move on, if fate decides fer u to cross paths again then make the choice then to try but fer now it just doesn seem like a good idea.


Plus, if u want us to understand the entire situation ur gonna have to write it out. We're all just giving u our opinions based on what u have given us for information.

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ive written it before, i know but im just wondering what to say to her. im already meeting another girl, not seriously just meeting up, fooling around, etc. just wana keep in good spirits with her and want her 2 want me back more by replying in a good way.

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Alright, so u ain't gonna get over the fact u want to send her a txt, i personally think its a bad idea but if u need to then....just be aloof. Write something that makes u seem like u care but don't. Or something that makes u seem like u don't care but do.


You know the situation better than any of us. If u feel like u want to be doing this, u shouldn't be asking fer advice since all the advice is telling u is to run. You don't want to. Only help I could provide is: Be there but don't. Be serious but don't. Show her u care, but don't. Worst thing u can do right now is show her too much of ur emotion because all she'll do is drag u along. If u show a solid exterior she may wonder why she's with the other guy.


PS. I hope this other girl knows ur just using her and she's cool with it, otherwise it ain't cool ur using her while u "try" and get ur ex back.

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DN is right at this point in time. I know it does not make sense at all, however he has posted over 10,000 times to the likes of you and me.


Mate. You cannot apply logic to emotion. Try if you want and see how far you get. I did it and it got me no where AT ALL. However, this does not help you right now, right?


I guess you need/want to understand why you are feeling this way and perhaps a plan to get *you* back to where you were before you met your ex to put you in a postion to choose whether you take your ex back.


So if you have a minute ( im sure you do ) I want you to read Majord23 ( The Perfect Plan ) posts and Superdave71. I spent weekends reading there post. If you want there might be a few I have put on as well.


If you dont understand PM these guys or ask them a question in there threads - as long as it is relavent to the topic.



Focus on this right now, not directly the ex. Pour your heart out here not to your ex. You have the whole world ready to listen and advice you right here.




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And said "long time no speak!Jus wonderin ow u woz? X tb iv ya can lv chelsey X"


Just wondering what this means?


oh my goodness. I have no idea what it means. I can't even understand her text.


I've made it my new rule not to date people who can't spell. An online guy contacted me and told me he had a "DIPOLMIA." (oh geeezzzz... better go back to school buddy! )


Don't write her back.

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This is a no win situation for you friend. If you text anything back at all or give her any idea that she can make you the #2 guy and you'll still be waiting for her, she'll never be with you again. It's too much disrespect. Nobody can tell you what to say because there's no right answer.


But if you still don't feel like you can stop talking to her for good, let her know how you feel and want her back. Pour out your heart because it's a step you're gonna have to take before you can heal up for real.

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