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I don't know what to do


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I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this in so....


Heres, the thing.. Theres this girl who was in a relationship, and just got out of one, and she told me she liked me and all this other stuff.. Everything is fine until the next day my friend was telling me that she liked him and etc etc, and then she tryed saying she never said that she liked me.. I honestly don't know what to do, every relationship I've been in I got played, and this girl wants to play games with me.... All I want is to live a happy life and have someone special in it once again, but I don't think that will ever happen . I figured I should post on this site to get some help, so anything could be useful.

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Alright first thing first, I believe the fact that she got out of a relationship is a major issue, for 1 its the rebound scenario, people tend to miss the feeling of being wanted and loved when they get out of a relationship so they start to take interest in others. So I think you should wait it out for a while, how long have you known her? how serious was the relationship she was in? And how good of a friend is this friend? All very important things to take into consideration.

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Yes "Roobuls" you hit the right spot with your reply.

It's very true that when a relationship ends, persons tend to seek out comfort and affection just to forget.


So in my opinion too, you should wait a while. See what's she really about, what she really wants. But brace your self emotionately, cause she might just "use" you for a while to get the nasty feelings out of her system and then move along to somebody else.


Don't let it go to far just yet, keep your distance a bit.

Let your friendship be the one thing she can count on and not just yet your "love / feelings" for her.

If the friendship with her ends in some way, now or later, you'll never be hurting as much as you will be when you put your heart out to her.

Be patient, time will tell if she's really interested or she just whants to be friends of some sort.

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  • 1 month later...

i think that if this girl wants to play games with u then she's not worth it, u can do better, i would just let her get on with it because years down the line she's gunna be the one that finds herself on her own.

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