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we arent even officially together...we just tend to hook up a lot.

we have never had sex because we are both "virgins"

but at the same time, we've have pretty much done everything else that two people can possibly do. the other day after some heavy drinking we hooked up again. This time we went to his house umm and once again did everything possible besides sex...the next morning he wanted me to take a shower with him and i did.


Now i feel all kinds of weirdness around him at school...

But at the same time, i wish we could be officially "together"


I know what your thinking, if i want to be with him then why did i give

him everything?


My answer is I dont really know, i just wanted to make him happy

and i wanted him to want more, but now theres not much more i

can give him...I feel really used right now since he doesnt even call

nor message me anymore


Can anybody help me grieve please, any suggestions, even if i dont have a chance with him anymore, any suggestions for next time?

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HEY! Not all of us are that bad. I would never just 'use' a girl. It's probably the reason I'm a 25 year old virgin though.


Gentlemen don't get ahead with the girls we want to, because we take it slow and like to communicate. Jerks and users get lots of girls, because they're aggressive in pursuing and go for quanity over quality.

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I feel really used right now since he doesnt even call

nor message me anymore


Why should he call you (or give you love, time, and affection the way a BF would) when you give him pretty much everything he wants physically?


My suggestion: give him the cold shoulder the next time he tries to talk to you. And believe me, there will be a next time. You may like him, but I don't think you will ever have the kind of relationship you want from this guy. You'll have some more self respect and feel better about yourself when you tell him no.


When you're really interested in someone, hold off on the intense physical things until they are commited to you. If they don't want to wait, they aren't worth it.

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Men are filthy pigs. Nah, just kidding.


Hun, most women have been through something similar. Well, maybe not most, but every single one of my girlfriends HAVE. And we've all dealt with it differently.


I can't tell you how to deal with this guy, but I CAN tell you what NOT to do. The first time I discovered that I'd been 'used' by a guy physically, it was pretty harsh. I stopped trusting men altogether, for a long time. For years, I dated, and would never really let a guy get to know me. Let's just say that I wasn't very nice to many of them, and would often be the one who played games and left. There have only been three guys in my entire life who have 'slipped under the radar' and I've felt comfortable enough with to share my life with.


Next time, don't let it happen. Don't expect too much until you're sure that it makes sense to. There are only going to be a handful (a small handful) of men in your life who actually deserve your love and trust ... who actually compliment your personality and with whom you're compatible with.


Lastly - don't have sex with a guy you care about until you're 100% sure that he cares about you. If you're the type who is very emotional about sex and become attached when you 'put out', then don't even think about it until you know that he's the guy for you. If you can't have sex without it meaning something, then make sure that you mean something to him.

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I know everyone says things like "guys suck" or "don't give yourself away at the beginning of a relationship", but the fact is that sometimes it takes people a while to be able to have a mature relationship. It sounds like your guy is simply not there yet.


Yes, it's probably not a good idea to be super physical at the beginning of a relationship - not because he won't have anything to stick around for, but because you don't know him that well and you can end up a lot more hurt if things don't work out. Be sure that you can trust him not to hurt you before you put yourself way out there. Remember that your happiness is as important as his, and simply "putting out" to try to keep him interested isn't a great strategy. Besides, if he's the kind of guy who will drop you once he gets what he wants, is he someone you really want to be with?


Things will get better!

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Be nice to yourself, you've made a mistake that you don't want to repeat and that's ok. We've all made mistakes and learned from them and sometimes we even make the same mistakes over and over. You're important and love is designed to make you feel special and lovely, unfortunately as you now know when you give away your heart, soul and body away and then get forgotten about this hurts heaps!! ooch!!


Surround yourself with people who care for you, who can positively affirm you are give you what your needing now - some TLC.


You'll be ok, what doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Be nice to yourself, take care of yourself and forgive yourself, we're human - we make mistakes xx

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Be nice to yourself, you've made a mistake that you don't want to repeat and that's ok. We've all made mistakes and learned from them and sometimes we even make the same mistakes over and over. You're important and love is designed to make you feel special and lovely, unfortunately as you now know when you give away your heart, soul and body away and then get forgotten about this hurts heaps!! ooch!!


Surround yourself with people who care for you, who can positively affirm you are give you what your needing now - some TLC.


You'll be ok, what doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Be nice to yourself, take care of yourself and forgive yourself x

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