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I have another question for the ladies. When you notice a man, either he walks up to you and talks or you just notice, how important is his style of clothing to you? Is there a difference between tshirt and shorts, and jeans with tucked in button down shirt? What is more important personality or style?

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It's a combination of both. He's got to have personality and a little bit of style. Whether it's the bad boy or the good guy style, he's got to have something that stands out. Also he's got to smile and have confidence and just look like he's having a blast or he's got a secret that will rock your world. There's always something that makes you YOU and you need to play on it. Use it.

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Of COURSE personality matters. But I doubt I'd ever get to know a guy if he was dressed like a slob or hiked his pants up to his belly-button.


tucked in button down shirt?

Unless he's off to church or work, this is unforgivable. But I like men to be much more casual than this.


Hot: Colourful polo shirts, v-necks, or just regular t-shirts. Nicely-fitting jeans without tapered legs, or khakis are good.


Gross: Denim shirts (I'm sorry, I know so many guys just love them!), leather/ vinyl/ pleather vests, tank tops, socks & sandals, man-bags.

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personality is what really matters.clothing is superficial.thats why you take him on a date to the clothing store rofl.j/k. i think a man who is a sloppy dresser can also be one who isnt too superficial which is a good thing but it can also mean hes a slob in all other parts of his life. but since the personality would be good, i would have to engage in lengthy discussions with him to get to know him.i would have to agree with Oceaneyes on the "gross" clothes.

i think a man can be hot even if he would wear a skirt. fashion is fun people should be able to wear what they want.


good clothing long sleeved sweaters,dress shirts and t-shirts.jeans of most types.tank tops,nice jackets, suits, khakis,shorts....etc.


bad clothing and/or fashion: greasy hair,mullets, comb overs and long hair with major balding,tie-dye shirts,some pink shirts,jackets with fringes WITH a mullet lol,8 ball jackets,anything that fits snuggly when you are totally out of shape, anything over a very small A-cup man boobs,chest hair that looks like a jungle,really bad teeth,uni-brows,pants that are waaaay too baggy that even the belt dont hold them up,wearing clothes with holes in them and dirty when trying to impress,wearing baseball caps all the time to hide unwashed hair,handle bar mustaches, mountain man beards,TOO much bling,80's mirror sunglasses and finally.... underwear that is 5 yrs old that are yellow *throws up*

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I'm not attracted to guys who dress well. I don't know why, I never have been. As long as they're clean.. I kind of like guys who dress out of style, not like 70's or 80's out of style.. Just not "in". To a certain degree someone's style (or lack thereof) can be a part of their personality. But overall, it's the personality that rules. I would never write someone off because of their style, even if it was one I did not prefer.

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There's a big difference between dressing "in style" and "Dressing to impress."


Just because you're not wearing stylish clothes, doesn't mean you can't dress nicely.


Wearing a nice shirt and slacks is much better than showing up in some beat up old jeans and a grubby emo-looking tshirt.

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Gross: Denim shirts (I'm sorry, I know so many guys just love them!), leather/ vinyl/ pleather vests, tank tops, socks & sandals, man-bags.




Man-bag. I totally wanna show up on a date carrying a man-purse. That would be so funny.


Go home alone, not so funny. But its comedic genius!

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No need to worry!! Just be yourself! That's all that counts.


Don't try to iimpress us ladies. Impress yourself- that's the power of confidence right there!


If you try to dress up a certain way to impress people, chances are, you won't impress the ladies you're most attracted to.


Some women prefer "biker dudes" I don't. When I see a guy wear a wife beater, I get scared. Or even guys with big heavy leather jackets. But, some ladies REALLY do like men who dress like that, and maybe they're more well suited for those types of guys.


Me personally, I prefer guys who aren't dressed gothic, motorcycle grundge, wife-beater checkered shirts redneck attire, gang bangers, heavy metal (tattoos all over the body + extra long greesy hair - yah, I get scared with these guys too), metros, retro, oh and guys who wear girl's jeans (is it called imo? guys who are into wearing women's jeans, in particular, 7 jeans?). I guess it singles down to guys who are simple and dress casually. I'm most attracted to guys like that.

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Man-bag. I totally wanna show up on a date carrying a man-purse. That would be so funny.


Oh, I agree! I'd probably be the type to just ask you, "what the hell do you have in there? A heart monitor?". Why on earth ... would a grown man need a purse? Everyone knows that all a man needs on a date is his wallet. Right guys?

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