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family crap


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im so fed up with this...I just turned 18, i got my drivers liscense and my parent promised to give me more freedom if i moved back in with him, now hes doing nothing but being a jerk, at first it was all coshur, he gave me the keys to the truck and told me if i want i can drive it somewhere i wish to. Once i did that, he took them away and left me with his stupid house key and no kind of car key. My car is busted and the heads are getting fixed, he told me that once they are finished, he will install them back into the piece of crap car...but right now im thinking about taking the bus out of state to go visit my bestfriend... Im a month away from graduating, but im cracking under all of this pressure, you would think by now, I would of had a job, but NO!


He told me he is dieing so whats the use of doing anything, he'll be dead a few weeks after my graduation, leaving me in a pit.... all i wanted to do was make my stupid dad proud and hes doing nothing but lowering my self esteem. Emotionally! All i want is independence, i shouldn't have to rely on everyone else for a ride to and from school or anywhere else i happened to need to go...


I still dont have a job because i dont have a vehicle to go search for one...everytime i mention this kind of stuff to him all he does is tell me bullcrap that i want to hear, he gets me all ampt up and doesnt keep his word. I dont understand why he cant just tell the * * * *ing truth to me for once in his lame life!!!

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thats it...and the doctor told him he doesnt have any kind of hip C anymore, but he said he feels it in his liver and that he knows it even if the doctor wont tell him.


He told me the doctor just doesnt want to deal with him..

umm yeah, but thats the reason hes drinking and smoking,

he said might as well keep doing it while he still can...



this is such crap, but whatever, i dont know what to feel or think...

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Is it possible to go and see your Father's doctor and tell him what's going on and that you feel like you're under pressure, etc?


Do you think your Father has got you home under false pretences? If it is it's a cruel trick!

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I'm not sure what to advise you. Right now it sounds like your dad needs you so if I were you I'd try and work a few things around him but try not to let that affect how you need to get along with your life. I'm not sure how you do that.

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