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Low carb diets...need help ASAP

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well as far as i know....carbs is one of the neccessities for your body to function properly......along with protein!....they are human body's primary fuel....when u go on a diet....dont cut out all the carbs!!! resort to healthy way of losing weight such as doing LOTS of cardio workouts!! however when u tire ur body out...ur body need fuel to sustain its functionality....it will take energy from excess fat from the body AS WELL AS new fuel that is being consumed!!!! so make sure u in take carbs along with other good stuff that food offers! do cardio!!! i read somewhere that at least 15-20% even 25% of ur calories intake has to be carbohydrates...550-55% is a healthy intake of protein and the rest is sugar and fat.....

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The concern with a low/no carb diet is that the body uses carbs as it's main source of energy, it breaks them down into glucose which feed the brain directly and is used with insulin to feed our cells.


If we have no carbs, our body is forced to break down fat for an energy source, and the by-product of fat metabolism is ketones, which when they build up in our blood can cause the PH of our blood to become acidic- a condition called acidosis. (metabolic acidosis).


Our blood needs to be a certain Ph, 7.35-7.45 in order for us to function normally, and the limits on that are very strict, just a little too acidic or a little to alkaline/basic and we can be in serious trouble.


Why do you ask?


(and the other reason is all that fat in the no/lo carb diet can back up and clog our arteries, causing a plaque like substance in there that makes it harder for the heart to pump and also puts us at risk for heart attack or stroke, but this is in extreme, sustained cases.)

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Well, they're bad if that is the only diet you use. I used it for several months, lost 30 pounds or so, then went on a balanced diet. Because I cut down a lot on the carbs, I had to eat foods with fat to compensate for it. That is where many people get turned away from it, and think that it is a terrible diet to go on. Carbs (bad carbs), in my opinion, are the most dangerous parts of foods, beyond fat and calories. But of course, I am not still on the low carb diet. The balanced diet + exercising work best for me.


Everybody's body is different, so certain diets do not work best for everyone. A lot of it has to do with genetics. People with a family history of high cholestoral would probably be turned off by a high fat/low carb diet such as the Atkins diet, as fat builds cholestoral (moreso than others).

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People with a family history of high cholestoral would probably be turned off by a high fat/low carb diet such as the Atkins diet, as fat builds cholestoral (moreso than others).


Actually our bodies produce a predetermined amount of cholesterol, which is different for everyone. While healthy diets can definitely help you from adding extra plaques in your arteries, some people eat a perfectly healthy diet and still have high cholesterol, because of their genetic makeup and body's production of it.

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It just means that your body, starved for carbs, has to get it's energy source somewhere, so it begins to break down and use fats (excess fat you have stored, or fat in your diet) instead. It's metablolizing fat instead of carbs because you aren't eating many or any.


It's really not a good idea because of the ketones, the extra workload on your heart, and because your body works at peak performance with a well balanced diet, which includes aqeduate protein, fat, carbs, vitamins and minerals.


The bottom line is that "fad" diets aren't a good way to lose weight.


The painfully simple principle of limiting portions, cutting back on junky foods, and exercising is the oldest and best way to lost weight and keep fit. It's hard- but it's the best way for your body.

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