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any advices from work-out veterens?

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well i've been posting about my break up and related stuff for the past month....and the day me n my ex broke up...i went to the gym...and has been going to the gym on a very consistent basis....


basically i have been weight lifting and boxing for the past month extensivly (sometimes i think i should slow down but i cant)....i have lost a HUGE amount of weight in a really short period of time......but obviously gaining the weight back with muscle growth....


my question is....i have lost fat everywhere....as well as my tummy....but i cant seem to get rid of the rest of the "love handle" and a small bulge at my lower obdominal area.....what i am trying to achieve is obviously a lean stomach and maybe a 6 pack....what kind of exercises should i be resorting to? how can i lost that love handle? cuz im already gettin pretty skinny....i dun wanna end up a stick if u guys kno what i mean....anyways pls advice and guide me on this subject...THANKS

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Well, what is your intensity? How much cardio a week do you get, on average? And what is your calorie intake? Or protein. It sounds like you may not be getting enough protein, for the work you are doing.


If you want some exercises to build the muscles in your abdominals, there are a lot of great exercises for those and your obliques. As far as spot-reduction in regards to the little extra girth you're carrying, well ...you can't really do that. Just keep up with the cardio, build some muscle, and make sure you're eating enough of the right foods. Like carbs for short-term energy and protein for long-term and muscle growth. And vitamins and minerals (fruits and vegetables), are always important.


If you have only been at this for a month now, you are just going to have to wait. I work out pretty hard too, but it's only after about three months that I am starting to see some gain. Nothing dramatic, but it is noticeable. Stick with it, and don't lose your steam.

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thanks billy for the advice....ill definitly stick to it....another problem im having is that my left arm is developing alot slower than my right.....and its noticeable...:S but i weight train the same amount of weight on both arms.....what can i do to balance both arms out?

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For uneven development, make sure you always work out each side separately. Don't use barbells, just dumbells. Always use the same weight and repitions. Do what your weak arm can barely to and what your strong arm can do easily. Just keep at that, slowly wokring up your weak side until they match. Same with legs... if you use a squat machine, use one leg at a time.


For toning, you have to do cardio. Like BigBilly says.

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Are you boxing with a coach, or hitting the bags alone? Boxing and weight training go hand in hand very well, and it's a lot of fun. Your left arm is weaker because you're right handed. This is perfectly natural. If your goal is to tone, then do lighter weight more reps with weights. If you want to bulk up, cut down the cardio and do higher weight, less reps. Running and boxing will make your love handles and stomach smaller. Crunches and situps will make your ab muscles bigger. Stock up on protein. Cans of tuna are cheap and are instant sources of protein.


"Same with legs... if you use a squat machine, use one leg at a time."

That's probably fine if you're using a very light amount of weight, but one leg squats are very dangerous if you have a heavy weight. I would substitute them for lunges, which isolate each leg. If you want big upper legs, make sure both legs are spaced shoulder width, and wear a belt and use a neck pad. The last thing you want is 350 pounds falling on you. I'm not too experienced with bodybuilding (I'm starting) but I am experienced with cardio (a little boxing) and endurance weight training. If you want some specific exercises for your obliques (love handles) let me know!

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