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Dancing With Another Guy


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Would you consider your girlfriend dancing with another guy to be cheating? I was at a salsa dance club on Saturday, and I asked this girl to dance, and she said yes. We were having a really awesome time and had danced for around 3 or 4 minutes, when her apparent boyfriend interrupts and takes her by the hand and walks her away from me, and immediately starts dancing with her. I didn't care because I quickly found another girl to dance with, but what does everyone here think about it?

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You did nothing wrong and neither did the girl. I have been to salsa clubs and I know what the atmosphere is like. Very friendly and everyone dances with everyone, married, single whatever. It's the boyfriend who was a jerk. If he can't handle social dancing, they should just stay put and dance to a salsa CD in their house rather than go to a SOCIAL club!

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1. Did you know she had a boyfriend?

2. Did he not want to dance with her before he saw you dancing with her?

If he didn't want her dancing with someone else he should have asked her to dance himself. It almost sounds like they had some kind of argument before she danced with you. She may have used you to make him jelous. Forget about it move on. Unless you intentional adressed her for alterior motiffs knowing she was with someone I wouldn't worry about it.

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If she's dancing with another guy grinding on his penis then yes. but there is nothing wrong with innocent dancing.


I agree. There's dancing and then there's "dancing?". It does not sound like she did anything wrong by having a normal salsa dance with someone.


There are other kinds of "dancing" that I think are very disrespectful though- grinding, holding someone very close- extremely sexually suggestive dancing. The dancing where if there were not clothes it would literally be sex- if I saw my husband do that with another woman, I would definitely consider it "cheating". But I would not care at all if he was just salsa dancing with someone else. Her BF sounds very insecure.




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If it's just a regular just "between friends dance" then it's not cheating. However, if the dance were to also include cuddling, kissing, then it would be cheating. Neither did she nor you did anything wrong, it's her boyfriend that's acting like an idiot.

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Would you consider your girlfriend dancing with another guy to be cheating?


No, if it was a friendly dance for dancing sake it would be fine.


By the sounds of what information you provided it was just simply the green eyed monster rearing its ugly head.


Given Salsa does have a bad reputation for some people that all the single men there are out to get the women they dance with, which may in part be the reason of jealousy, but he should have enough trust to know she will say No if it gets out of hand. That in itself I think proves that relationship has no trust foundation to start with unless something has happened before between them that severed it.


His own fears of what he thinks he would do in such a situation and apply it to her. Maybe she has went too far in the past with such things. Then it could be that he is just a simple minded individual who has no trust, who knows. Anything is possible if it was just a platonic dance and nothing more.

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Personally I think that anything can be construed as cheating, its just a matter of personal perspective. I think that there is dancing that appropriate when you have a significant other and there is dancing thats inappropriate. I dont know if I would classify dancing as cheating.

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Ya, I don't see what the big deal is because I would never date or sleep with any girl I met at a salsa dance thing. It just a way to dance, with NOTHING else happening. Also, I danced with atleast 20 other girls, and I am sure some of them also have boyfriends there, and none of thier boyfriends came after me. So this guy is probably just a bit insecure. Maybe he has had a girlfriend in the past cheat on him or leave him, so now he is worried it might happen again.

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dancing with someone is not cheating.... i went out with my brother in law and his brother one night and we danced. my sister and my husband both know and didn't give it a second thought.. when we attend weddings and stuff, everyone dances with everyone, not just their spouse.. its just a dance.

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