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How to handle this situation?


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Hi I was recently talking to Smallworld in PM and I thought I would post my situation in hopes of some answers. Smallworld has been giving me great advice thus far.


I was hurt in my last relationship after putting more "love" into it then my S.O. I have been afraid to express my emotions since then. I have been talking to this new girl and she has given me mixed signals, and they are really confusing. For example I called her on Sat on her cell and her house to get together and she did not call me back until Sunday night and she was not busy on Saturday night. When I told her that I called she sort of played stupid. I know for a fact that she is not over her ex, because I used to be in the same spot. I can tell she still thinks and worries about him even though they have no contact. I believe I should date other women for now. NC worked amazing for getting over my EX and she did realize she wanted me back. How should I approach this situation without her thinking I am not interested. I know she has seen the signs that I am interested (gone out on dates, I even bought her something small on Valentines) and she has shown very little signs of interest back. She does though act interested sometimes and I can tell she does like me,, we have gone out on dates and she calls regularly.

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