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A Very Stubborn Shy guy...lol PLEASE HELP!


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lol i have been having a problem here.

Theres this guy I really really like and alot of other friends say we should be a couple because:


1. He loves to playfully tease me

2. He likes throwing pieces of paper on my hair

3. He likes calling me nicknames

4. He brings up my name in a certain conversation teaseing me.

Example: In a war movie that we saw in my world civ class. Theres a guy in the movie that gets killed. The guy that i like would say *laughs* "Theres janelle dieing!" or if a teacher says "stealing isnt a good way to solve anything" He'll say "Like Janelle....." or "Yea Janelle you have to stop that..." even though i dont do such things...lol

5. He mostly askes for help from me other then his close friends that are by him.

6. Snaps his fingers near my ear so i can get annoyed

7. smacks me lightly on the back

8. Likes to purposly scare me and tells his friends "she doesnt like it when i do that." wantinig his friends to do the same thing and laugh. lol

9. Shushes me when im talk to my friends (he sometimes smiles when i look at him after he shushes me)

10. When i just turn for 1 sec at him, hell say stop staring at me.

11. He laughs at me when his friends playfully teases me.\\


pretty much when he does all of these things to me i dont get upset. i just go with the flow. We both laugh whatever he does... lol


other signs that im wondering from him

1. he wont talk to me most of the time when i walk in public as if we dont know eachother. (course i do the same)

2. i sometimes catch him looking at me shortly from afar

3. He asked me "can you look in the corners of your eye?" as if he was testing me?

4. Hes quite at times when i'am not near him

5. My friend asked us both that we should be a couple, he smiled and said jokingly "nah! shes too much for me! shes going to go all gothic on me!" (thats the nickname they call me, course im not quite all gothic they just say it to get me annoyed)


^ from all the lists i put above, just to make it approve of thoughts, signs that he likes me?^



Ive been waiting if he would ever ask me out, but this guy seems stubborn and shy to answer a simple question. I, of course, am really shy and i know everyone doenst like the fear of rejection, but I had Hes best friends and my best friends play a little role to find out and admit that or if he likes me. Both of them have him in there last class. My friends told his best friend to go up to him and ask. Well, when his best friend asked him he stood silent. Hes friend asked again and didnt answer. Then my friend went to ask him and he stood silent. So, again a week later theyeve asked him again and the same thing happened. he stood silent and tried sliding off the answer by talking to other friends of his. My friend tried everything and she told me that the only way is to ask him. Ive never asked a guy before in person! and im very sensitive type person i get my feelings hurt easily. So, the only way is that i thought of writing a poem to him. Im very poetic and thought it would be a good idea?


1. Do guys really get flattered by a romantic poem written by someone who has feelings for him?


My short example: "You symbolize my own heart, Everybeat repeats your name"


2. Why wouldnt he answer? Expecially to any of his friends!



Can anybody explain throughly about everything? Im so confused!

Thank you so much for having the time to read this...

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So...1-11 suggest that he likes you, and all the others suggest that he's shy. I don't know why he didn't answer when your friend asked him out, but it could be because he's having more fun flirting with you than he thinks he would have by getting serious with you...OR he wasn't sure if the 'question from friend through a friend' was real, and he didn't want to expose himself to potential embarrassment.


Personally, I think the poem is a bit too intimate. The guys I knew at this age tended to be a bit more, mmm, basic about their love lives...at least at first.


What if you just ask him to grab a coffee on a Saturday morning, then see if he wants to hang out more?

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Well I can say with 99.9% certainty that he does like you. It's just overcoming this shy barrier. Have you thought about getting him alone and just straight up asking him? I know it may be awkward seeing as you are shy as well but I have a feeling you will be waiting forever otherwise.

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Sounds more like a superficial guy, a fake one. He can only be playing with you to get attention. Shy guys won't do stuff that annoy you, in fact they wouldn't even make a plus, and they woudln't tease that much. Don't write him a poem, just play along with his games, joke around like he does. If he was interest then he would have been serious about it. But if he is shy like you say, then you might want to ask him out.

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Its a win win situation for you, if you ask him out and he says no you can move on with your life, if he says yes you got a date,


You see the thing with shy guys is, they will never ask you out, even if they do like you. Its a matter of being persistent. Ask him out to the movies, say something like i would love if you and me would goto movie (x) (in like 7 days so he has time to decide) Even if he says no, he might just do that because he is scared, when he says no , just say something like ,well you don't have to decide immediately yet, i really like you , here's my number and if you want to come along , i'll hear it from you on day (x).


Whats important is that you don't impose pressure on him, pressure wil automatically lead into rejection, he loves his freedom, and being into a bond for a shy guy is like being on enemy territory. You'll never do it right, so don't even try to do it right, whats important is to realise that if you don't shoot, you'll always miss right? So just give it a go, and go for the kill.

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Hmmm...to be honest, he doesn't sound shy at all to me. In fact, he's very flirty and teasy with you. I really don't get the impression he's that serious about it, either, it seems he probably knows very well you have a crush on him by now, and like Ailec said, he's enjoying the attention.


Whatever you do, don't give him that poem. He honestly sounds like the type of guy that would show it to his friends and they would laugh at it. I know that sounds harsh, but that is an incredibly heart-revealing poem, the kind of thing you would only show to someone you are absolutely sure feels the same for you. Or else you're asking for major embarrassment.


I wish I could have given you a different post...but my honest take is this is a really flirty guy who is just enjoying egging on your crush a bit.

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I agree with all the others who said he doesnt seem shy! I know heaps of shy guys and they dont act that way towards anyone. Dont give him the poem, if you want to ask him out suggest it casually, ask him if he wants to watch a movie together just like ailec siad.


Good luck!

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He honestly sounds like the type of guy that would show it to his friends and they would laugh at it. I know that sounds harsh, but that is an incredibly heart-revealing poem, the kind of thing you would only show to someone you are absolutely sure feels the same for you.


Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Flashbacks to high school...shiver.


LoveorHate, did you already give him the poem?? You seem pretty hung up on it.

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well, i cant really go to places like any older person would. my dad doesnt even allow me to go to the movies with a guy or even a couple of friends. go to places, its hard likely...


Right. I forget things like that. It's such a pain to be a teenager! LOL.


Ok, do you go anywhere with your friends or groups of friends? 'Cause it seems like you could at least start with something like, "Hey, it'd be cool to hang out sometime. So-and-so is having a party (fill in the blank); wanna go?"


But if you can't even do that, then it seems like dating this guy is kinda out anyway. Your dad is doing his job, I guess...

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I havent given him the poem. lol


Ok, good. It's a good poem, and totally heartfelt and wonderful, but you might save it until you know he feels the same (or close to it). Just feeling protective of ya, girl. Hug.

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Well good thing mom lets you go out. Yea, Dads can be such a pain in the * * *, just last year I had to lie to mine that I went with a date to the movies when I went to his house to watch a movie. But seriosuly I'm gonna be turn and yet I fee very weird still having to go along with the rules. Anyways if he does say yes, go out when your dad isn't there.

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