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How often to call?


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Last Friday I went on a sorority date thing with a girl I will call Sally, and I got her number, and we also made out for a bit near the end of the night. I've hung out with her couple times before the date at bars and parties, and we had a lot of chemistry between us. I called her the Sunday after the date just to tell her that I had a good time, etc., the conversation didn't last to long because I was busying studying. Then I called her again Wednesday and we chated for about an hour, and I asked her out but she said she was going outta town to see her parents this weekend, which is true.


I haven't call her since Wednesday. I don't wanna seem to desperate or needy and I don't want her to think I'm trying to rush into a relationship, because shes a freshman in college and a lot of freshman girls seems to be scared of a rushed commitiment. I was thinking I should call her today, but then I don't wanna call her while she is spending time with her family. So I was thinking I'll just wait till tomorrow.


Any ladies have any advice on how often they liked to be called? or anyone that has any advice? I want her to know that I'm interested but not desperate.

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I suggest waiting until she returns, since she spending time w/ her family. If I'm getting to know a guy I like, I don't mind if the guy calls/texts/emails me almost everyday. The fact that you're contacting her is a sure sign that you are interested in her company. But when you 2 are in the "get to know you" phase, don't talk on the phone too long, if you can see e/o in person. Otherwise, the phone conversation topics can run out. See how she responds to you after the 2nd getogether b/c you don't want to be the person always initiating contact otherwise you don't know if she really is interested in you.

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Keep at a moderate pace. At the beginning, especially, weekend calls and dates should be avoided. If you go slow and steady, she won't get freaked out. She'll probably want to see you more, so keep a little slower than her.

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Thanks for advice ya'll, it' sreally helpful.


Hazlcha, are you saying I should try to keep it casual and just give her a call and invite her to come out if some of my friends and I are going out, and try to stray away from the 1 on 1 dates?

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Thanks for advice ya'll, it' sreally helpful.


Hazlcha, are you saying I should try to keep it casual and just give her a call and invite her to come out if some of my friends and I are going out, and try to stray away from the 1 on 1 dates?


I would not avoid getting into too many group situations early on. You are trying to get to know this girl, and that could be harder with other people around. You want that 1on1.


Just take it easy. Keep things slow at first, but make sure she knows you are interested. Don't get too caught up in the details. Do your thing, and if it's gonna happen, it will, dude.

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Im a guy, and just for clarification i've had a few relationships with women, and im in one now. From expirence i can say that one should always want the women to want them. And for one to do this, your going to have to not call her and wait for her to call you.


Once she calls you, you can be assured that she's interested.

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