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Want cat, but mom is allergic


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From 1990 to 2005, I had a Siamese cat name Sara. She was a present to me from my dad when I was six. For 15 years I've enjoyed Sara's company. Then on July 4th, 2005, she passed away. Ever since then there's been a hole in my life. I miss my Baby Girl, and I dunno. I am about to finish up with undergraduate college, and to go to Graduate college. My parents think it'll be better for me to commute from home to college since I'll only be taking 4 classes per semester when I go to graduate school. Anyways, this has got me thinking about getting another cat. However, my mom is allergic to cats. Her breathing is reduced when she is around them. Which makes me wonder how she could've stand Sara for 15 years. I want another cat, but I dunno, I'd feel guilty if I got another cat realizing that they're causing my mom allergies to flare up. Is there any middle ground to this or am I stuck without a cat until I get my own place? I guess I want my own pet since my brother and his wife got their own dog. We have Sierra, but he's a family dog, and when I move out he's going to stay with my parents. I don't know if I'm just being selfish or what.

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I'm sorry your cat died. You aren't being selfish to want a pet, but I think it's much more respectful of your mother to hold off until you get your own place. It's your parents' house, so you've gotta play by their rules. Maybe this is good motivation to go ahead and get out on your own.


You could get a hairless cat (eeww!). Or you could try another pet...one with less hair.

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If your mumsie is allergic, don't get a cat for the cat's sake. What if your mom's allergies are bad enough? Then you will be trying to rehome it. Not fair for kitty.


You can totally try fish, I love fishies. And if your folks are animal people, they'll love them. Not bettas in plastic cups, I'm talking about an aquarium here (bettas DO need to be in an aerated and filtered aquarium, contrary to popular belief).


Otherwise, if you mom is allergic to cats, she will likely be at least mildly allergic to other furry critters. Hold off until you are more stable in your life for a furry pal.

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Here is a website that might help: link removed


Certain breeds are better than others as far as alleriges go. A Rex has very short fur and less dander. They are a bit pricey though link removed


I think they are a cute breed because they look like little kitty aliens. My uncle used to have one and it was quite clever. He had him trained to walk on a leash. They are eccentric like the Siamese.



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I am allergic to cats too. I wonder why your dad bought you a cat when he must have known your mom was allergic? Maybe that's another post?


Any way, they can be a lot more than simply watery eyes and sneezing, (already pretty unpleasant). I've had blisters, severely swollen limbs, aching joints, constricted lungs. If your mom is allergic to cats then I don't know why you'd even consider having one around her? I'm sure you love you mom a lot, but this is a no brainer.

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