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Hey everyone, I havent been on enotalone for a while, I was talking to my friend and the topic of jealously came up. I think I have made a break through of why girls (I cant say all, but a sample maybe) do or dont get jealous with someguys. For example, When I went out with my ex (1ex ago lets call him ex1) I was jealous whenever he spoke to girls or visa versa, I was jealous when he went out without me, I think this is becasue this guy had heaps going for him and could get any girl he wanted, he was really goodlooking and had it all. However when my ex (ex2) went out without me I didnt care at all, he did have some things going for him but not heaps, he was average sort of guy.


I think it has something to do with the deep consious mind, maybe we make excuses and blame the guys for being infaithful or something, but my ex1 was faithful, but I still felt jealous and ex2 wasnt that faithful, (he did sort of cheat by agreeing to meet up with some girl from the internet at the beginning of the relationship) and I didnt care becasue deep inside I knew he couldnt get better than me.


I hope it made sense, LOL I dont know If im right or I just have too much thinking time on my hands =P


Let me know what you think.

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I think it has everything in the world to do with confidence and self-esteem.


If you doubt yourself you're bound to feel insecure and thus jealous of any possible attention you could be getting.


If you're content with yourself, it doesn't matter if the attention is elsewhere because it'll come back to you eventually and you don't need that attention "fix" to feel good about yourself.

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