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Gonna flip the Coin Now...


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What I like about myself that I'd think guys would find attractive:


Very curious

Open minded

I enjoy nature and being in it

I have good common sense

I can be charming and seductive

I'm independent

I have goals and direction that I work hard at


What guys might not like, don't really care, I am who I am and no guy is going to change that.

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Ok here goes.

Things I think makes me feel attractive that guys would like

1) Open-minded

2) Not very straight forward (meaning if you were to upset me or get very obnoxious, I won't tell it right in your face, instant I would just say it was a good date and basically ignore you and do NC)

3) Comon sense

4) Realistic person (meaning I don't go for fairy tales, or don't expect way too much)

5) Not too judmental

6) Likes being independent, I wouldn't like depending on a guy nor a guy depending on me

7) Listens more

8) Definatly not a chatter-box

9) I don't over do it if you were to ask me about yourself

10) Do take care of myself, but never would over do it


Now the negatively aspects about me

1) Still shy

2) Short hair, which I'm waiting till it grows back again (notice lots of them are going for the long haired girls)

3) Don't ask that much, even when I have to

4) Being atheist

5) Spends more time on the computer and here

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Things that guys will find attractive about me:

1)Generosity and helpfullness

2)Kindness and understanding

3)Outgoing but shy in some ways too


5)Independent in some ways

6)Flirty and affectionate

7)Educated and love to read


Things guys might NOT find attractive about me:

1)I chatter too much when I am nervous

2)somewhat nervous personality.

3)can be depressed at times

4)my height

5)sometimes lack a sense of direction

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Things I like about myself:

1. open minded

2. intelligent

3. my hazel eyes

4. my new haircut (because I'm getting the same reaction I got last time, stuttering guys...and my boyfriend thinks it's great that guys think I'm hot now lol.)

5. very (maybe overly) understanding and compassionate

6. selfless

7. I definitely have my own unique personality

8. I like things because I like them, not because everyone else does.

9. I take care of myself

10. I don't lack common sense


Things I don't like:

1. I have social anxiety (but I'm finally going to a councelor for it yay!)

2. I'm short

3. I look like I'm 12 (really a problem because I just turned 20 and I like older guys...my b/f is 29)

4. I don't like alot of girl's clothes, I wore guys clothes for a really long time until I got my b/f and he never said it but I knew he didn't like it.

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What guys might not like, don't really care, I am who I am and no guy is going to change that.


Cheers CB thanks for starting it off. I apologize to all if my post was a bit confusing i prefer the face to face contact and its hard sometimes to translate that into screen to screen! Good job girls lets see some more.


Now the point is not if you care what others think or not its about what you think. Maybe it was a bit unclear.

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I adore anyone that is willing to not "see," but only "hear" me. I loathe my appearance from head to toe, and accept it openly. But I do happen to like the melodic sound of my voice (allow me my two seconds arrogance, bitte!). Fortunately, I have plenty of male friends more than willing to hear what I have to say. It means so much that they even look at me when I talk and not have their eyes wander off to someone more appealing. The fact that they can stomach me is charming of them. I love them all!

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I adore anyone that is willing to not "see," but only "hear" me. I loathe my appearance from head to toe, and accept it openly. But I do happen to like the melodic sound of my voice (allow me my two seconds arrogance, bitte!). Fortunately, I have plenty of male friends more than willing to hear what I have to say. It means so much that they even look at me when I talk and not have their eyes wander off to someone more appealing. The fact that they can stomach me is charming of them. I love them all!


Bitte ein Bit!

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Now the point is not if you care what others think or not its about what you think. Maybe it was a bit unclear.


So, this is not what we think guys would find attractive and unattractive but rather what WE find attractive and unattractive about ourselves? Either way, I don't know what guys find attractive or unattractive about me, so I really can just make the list of things that *I* would find att/unatt about myself if I were a guy. ;-) (LAUGHS--see 'bad list' point 1 below).



-Very friendly, approachable. Smile and laugh easily. Like to put others at ease

-Strong sense of self

-Pretty good sense of other people

-Curious about the world and the people in it + enough energy to explore both, verbally and physically

-Reasonably 'ducks in a row' in my own life (from work to home to fitness) but also...waaay open minded & easy going: If I like you and you like it, it can't be that bad, whatever it is.

-Completely hedonistic (food, music, sex, sunshine, rain, campfires, fast cars, or great art...if it tastes, sounds, feels, smells, or looks good, I probably like it)

-My boundaries are far away, but I know right where they are and I rarely cross them.

-Mellow and even-keel in relationships, easy to be around.

-No games (except Scrabble, lol)

-Silly, silly, silly. Love to play.



-Self-centered--focus too much on work, hobbies, my own mental space

-Tend to be too distant with friends & SOs--often wait for them to find me, not vice versa

-Hard to REALLY get to know (a common complaint, there must be something to it)

-Get sidetracked by interesting projects or ideas, and don't make enough headway in any one thing.. comes accross as unaccomplished or scattered.

-Too much in my own head; makes me sound like I take myself really seriously.

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