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I am nobody


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Dear all...I'm writing this because I feel I've nowhere left to go. I feel so depressed and lonely inside that I just want to kill myself, right here, right now. My life is a charade. I have nobody. Every weekend is spent alone in my home. Nobody ever calls me. Nobody ever wants to go out with me. I must be the biggest loser and everybody's just laughing at me. I don't know what to do or where to go to find people. I just want die atm and then I wont have to care anymore.

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Hey, I'm in the same position as you. I never do anything. I sit at home all the time by my lonesome. I have good days and bad, but I stick it out.


What makes you think everyone is laughing at you? I sincerely doubt that they are.


You don't have a way to meet anyone? Do you work with anyone your age? Do you go out to bars and hang and try to meet people ever?


There's ALWAYS an opportunity for change. If I didn't believe that I think I would have killed myself already, but I've never seriously thought about suicide because it's true, our lives are in our own hands, and we can create change. I haven't been able to get up the courage to do it for myself yet, and it would seem that you haven't either, but we both can, don't give up on life.


You and me BOTH just gotta be people of action and take life by the horns.

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I disagree with you, your not a loser at all... life is only what you make it. I use to sit around at home all the time, I got into such a bad rut. I didn't have a job so I had no money, I didn't really have any friends to go out with much. Not to mention my people skills weren't very good at the time, I am still shy but interacting more and more with people has seriously changed that... It's all up to you, there is a whole gigantic world out there to be explored... Clich'e I know but it is so true


Are there any local sports you could join? Hobbies you could take up to occupy yourself on the weekends?

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if you dont have any friends right now...call up your family. Thats what they are there for. Family is there through the good times and the BAD times.


In the next few weeks...try to make some new friends. If your in school or work..then that shouldnt be a problem. Just ask a classmate or a co-worker what they are doing this weekend and ask if you can tag along.


Keep your head up bro. I know days seem long now...but i promise things will get better.

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sweeeety!! you aren't alone...a lot of people go through this.

its not because nobody likes you and that they are all

making fun of you....


How do you expect anyone to know you want to hang out

unless you let them know...be specific!! maybe even

invite someone you'd like to know better over to your

house and just roll from there....


THIS is not worth killing yourself about...I know it seems huge

right now, this problem may be a big issue for you, but just

think of it as just ONE period of your life...


You have so much life to live...Believe me, ive been through

a lot of crap too, but i decided to NOT take my life and to

just approach people and be direct about what i want to do and

what i want from them....


Good luck duude

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So many people feel the way you do..seriously I feel like that every other day.That is no reason to give up on your life.I am in a weird relationship situation right now and it is like one day we are happy the next we arn't talking for 4 or 5 days.I get so unhappy and feel so unloved and like I am nothing.I know what is it like to feel your being made fun of and people are laughing at you (I have been there myself),it isn't fun and it hurts,but you are somebody (a human being) and you do matter.There is so much to look forward to,life is not

always easy and we all go through alot of BS in life,but we stay strong and we will come out on the other end happier someday end and eventually be happy we didn't do anything ton ourselves.

Please don't give up.there is always hope.If you need to talk.private msg me.


As far as meeting and making friends if you have any hobbies go to some fun classes on it and you will meet other people who have the same interests as you. community services where u live is also a good idea to meet people,a book club if you like to read alot..etc.

there are many ways to find and meet others.



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There's ALWAYS an opportunity for change. If I didn't believe that I think I would have killed myself already, but I've never seriously thought about suicide because it's true, our lives are in our own hands, and we can create change. I haven't been able to get up the courage to do it for myself yet, and it would seem that you haven't either, but we both can, don't give up on life.


You and me BOTH just gotta be people of action and take life by the horns.


Life is dynamic and what you feel today may be quite different later on.


If you feel like killing yourself, I think you need to talk to a counselor. You owe this to yourself.


Take each day one step at a time.

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