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i don't know it any more


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i'm confused about a girl in my life, i get different signals from here and don't know how to deal with her if anybody can give me any advise i would be really thank full about it, but nobody will be able to give me advice if i don't tell about the situation


she knows i love her, she tells me i make her feel good, she is unhappy and sorry about the fact that i feel down that she has to say that a relation is not what she want's right now, her privious relation is still on her mind and i think that is what this is all about i think it is time she needs to get over him and continue whit her life, but it is hard for me i just don't know if i have a change with her or not


greetings dydimoi

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hello there mm.. let me see..

she knows that yu love her then also she cant have a realtion..

i think she has still not recovered from her old breakup thats why she is being cautious this time so that she will choose a right path and a right guy. i guess the gal is just being careful and she is trying to see whether yu r the right person. talk to her as conversation is a good way to begin a good relationship.Ask her what she wants, whether she is interested in having a relation now.. and be nice and understanding, try finding what is her thoughts and dont push her to do things be patient and try finding ..

and give her some space as well..

hey u will know much better as u r her frend as well so go ahead..


anything write back dear byee..

take care..

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talking is always good, i ques and the conversationts we have are good, they are deep, we trust eachother, this has been so from day one, but it is the opeside signals she sends, one the one hand it seems like she feels more for me than se likes to admid, but on the otherhand she acts like she wants to keep a distance between us, i know that she needs time to deside what she want's en to get over her last boyfriend, but still it is hard to deel with, from my side, if i was 100% sure there would be even the smalest change to start a relationship, i would get my strenght to put this trhough, even if it would take mothes or even yeas, becouse the one thing i know is that i never felt this way before about anybody


greetingz dydimoi

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