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if i break up w/ my gf will i come off as a wussy if i do it over aim? i wudnt be able 2 do it irl or on the fone but 4 me theres no attraction 2 her nemore so i cant keep up this act nemore...dunno y im even keeping it up now...i guess i dont wanna see/hear her when i tell her cuz its not gonna be pretty...she has no reason 2 believe that i will do it so itll be pretty shocking

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English might be a start.


It may be better in person since you r so attached 2 shrthnd tht cn b misundrstd.

Besides, she deserves to be told bad news in a considerate way, with eye contact and your full attention. How would you like to be dumped in a text message?

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English might be a start.


It may be better in person since you r so attached 2 shrthnd tht cn b misundrstd.

Besides, she deserves to be told bad news in a considerate way, with eye contact and your full attention.



My thought EXACTLY.


Your brother in pain,


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Dako, you kill me sometimes!




Yes, AIM would clearly put the wussy label on you for years to come! Face to face is the only respectable way, has the world lost all sense of real communication? If you both were mimes, how would you tell her?


I'm not sure there ever is a "right" thing to say when breaking up with somebody but the truth is a pretty good place to start. She will need closure so don't leave her wondering what happened , tell her. Anything less certainly shows that you lack character and have no backbone. You probably need to see her pain so you think really hard before getting involved with someone else. I'm glad that you found the compassion to come here and ask how to handle this.

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When a relationship is over the other partner deserves to be told face to face.


It doesn't matter how long the relationship is it doesn't get any easier. I know because I told my husband that I wanted a divorce recently and we've been married for 14 years!


Good luck

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It's not really a long distance relationship, but we don't attend the same school. It'd mean having to set up a date or something just so I can dump her. It's not something I really want to do. As for coming off as having no backbone, I'll admit to not having one, but I'd just prefer for HER to not know it. And also, if I were to do it face to face, I'm pretty sure I'd give in if she asked for another chance . . . I see what you're all saying though . . . any more suggestions would be appreciated (and she has noticed something's up, apparently . . . unbeknownst to yours truly until a few hours ago)

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OK, I understand your GF is G.U.D.(Geographically Un Desirable) but with that being said, you still owe it to her for her sake as well as your reputation. It will spread like a wildfire if you do it any other way and at least you will have a dating life after this. What girl wants to be next to be electronically dumped? You have to stand your ground and not give in to a plea for a second chance. That will surely land you back here in a month or two. Tell her your decision is final and you are very sorry and wanted to do it in person because you owe her that.


Relationships are tough business whether your 16 or 61. Breaking up is never an easy thing because it is human nature and we are raised not to hurt others. Your fear simply means you were raised well and you're not a jerk. It's time to grow up, strengthen your backbone and do the right thing. Good Luck.

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