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Robin Cook

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A parlimentary genius and one of my heroes, today died hillwalking in Scotland.


Anyone interested in UK politics or lives in the UK should know of Robin Cook as the most influencial labour MP of recent times.


After resigning from the cabinet over the war in Iraq, he turned to writing in newspapers and his own memoires. Which I own.


A remarkable man that I respect more than any other in politics today.


He'll be sadly missed.

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Yes, I saw that. An honourable man who resigned on a principle. But I don't think he resigned from the Labour Party, he resigned his Cabinet post as Leader of the House of Commons.


Would that there were more politicians like him.


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Wow...I was out cycling most of the day so have not heard this news until now.


He definitely was a talented intellectual, and a great outside-the-box thinker too. I agreed with him on many of his political stances as of late, including about the Iraq War. And an avid cyclist, which I can most definitely relate too!



Peace to him, and his family & friends.



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They just added:


On 6 August 2005 Cook collapsed while climbing the mountain Ben Stack in Sutherland, Scotland. He was taken by helicopter from the mountain to Raigmore Hospital in Inverness and pronounced dead on arrival. He was 59. [6]



To - link removed


I read it last night and then again today.


Napoleon - 'The point of departure' - Robin Cook.


It's an amazing book showing Robin's intellectual capability and how closely he held his principles.


link removed - Robin Cook's resignation speech from the cabinet - in full. I remember watching it and cheering him on.

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