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Just got fired from a job I loved

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Suddenly without explanation I got a call telling me not to come in tomorrow and I was being let go. No idea what I could’ve done wrong. I finally found a place where I loved what I did and who I worked with. I had no idea this was coming. So tonight I’m feeling all these emotions like rejection and embarrassment. I can’t sleep. Life sucks sometimes

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I am so sorry.  Would you feel comfortable asking why? How long were you working there? Of course what you are feeling is normal.  I hope you feel better.

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6 hours ago, FamilyMan4Ever said:

No idea what I could’ve done wrong. 

Have there been layoffs? Its strange that you got fired just like that unless they planned to cut off you or even a large number of people because layoffs. 

Also unless you are dealing with very amateur company or company who doesnt value people, they talk to you in advance or at least give you 2 weeks notice. So, by the looks of that, maybe its a good thing you no longer work on such place because if they are like that, everything isnt so peachy as you described.

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Sorry this happened to you. Hope you were able to get some sleep.

I'm sure the rules regarding laying someone off will vary depending on where you are, but in my experience companies don't have to say anything or give notice. The better companies try to make the transition smoother, though it's no guarantee they will. I was once part of a mass layoff where they let some people go immediately, others were told their last day would be in a month, and some (like me) were told to stay around two more months. It came with no warning. Another time my entire office (a small one of about ten people) were told on our busiest day of the month that the office was being closed down and our jobs were being moved out of state. 

Keep in mind that this may not have anything to do with you. A company's top priority is to make profit. This might be an attempt to cut costs. The company may not be doing as well as they appear and, sadly, most employees are considered expendable.

If you're comfortable, ask for an explanation. Also research what your rights as an employee are in your area. Check what you signed when you started working there and if you are entitled to any kind of compensation or severance. And mostly importantly, don't take it personally. There are other jobs out there, ones that might be an even better fit. You'll find something.

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My heart goes out to you. I'm so sorry you're going through this.

I can appreciate how heartbreaking this is. When I was laid off from a job I loved, my first stop on my way home was a liquor store. My second was Michael's craft shop. I phoned my friends and family while sipping wine and painting some rocks. I felt so pathetic I made myself laugh.

Keep writing here if it helps. With you in spirit.

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I'm sorry to hear about what you are going through FamilyMan.  If it's any consolation, today was the last day for me at my current company.  I was released as there was no more work coming in from our clients and things are slowing down.  Plus I had been between projects for too long and they couldn't keep paying me.  It didn't have anything to do with my performance or work ethic.  It sounds like you didn't receive any coaching or warnings that you were going to be released. 

Was this a contract by chance?  If so, it is completely normal to experience what you are feeling now.  The exact same thing happened to me with two contracts.   The agency calls you up a few hours after you clock out on your last day without you knowing it was your last day.  My second one really hurt as my contract was still good for a few months and then they suddenly ended it.  I had been working with a great group where we all got along really well. The days also went quick as I loved what I was doing. 

As others have said, I would reach out and ask for an explanation.  I truly believe things happen for a reason too.  You're being redirected and will find something that will work out better for you in the long run.  

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