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I met a guy on omegle and we really got into each other, he said he is geeting serious, but we live halfway across the globe with 12hr difference, should I get my hopes high or should I let him go?


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You should let him go.  He is a random stranger who lives halfway across the world.  If he is getting serious after less than a week then that is a huge red flag.  No mentally stable person would make such declarations to a total stranger.    

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1 minute ago, Sagar said:

But he was just so honest about everything. Though he ain't talking to me now cause I refused him. 


You have no idea if he is being honest about anything. You do not know him. Please, don't chat up these online guys. Your Red-Flag Radar isn't working. 

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Maybe you are right MissCanuck. I am probly muddleheaded rn. It's the covid restrictions and what not. I guess I will wait and see how it goes. But thinking about letting him go hurts a lot. Sorry about that. Thank you all for listening to me. 

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2 minutes ago, Sagar said:

But thinking about letting him go hurts a lot.

This is troubling, simply because you have spoken to this person for all of 7 days. You have never met him. There is nothing tangible to let go of and certainly nothing that should cause a lot pain for you.

But this points at something deeper inside you: Are you lonely in real-life? Have trouble meeting men locally?

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9 hours ago, Sagar said:

But he was just so honest about everything. Though he ain't talking to me now cause I refused him. 

How do you know a complete random strange is honest about anything he says?  You dont know him!  People say al l kinds of things to get another's attention.  He. may be an axe murderer, an old fashioned liar, a woman, a jailbird, a married man with 6 kids!  Dont try to meet guys this way.  Consider whatever they say to be BS because it probably is.

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10 hours ago, Sagar said:

It's just an infatuation with him i g. So i am gonna keep my cool and let him go. Thank u all for helping me. 😊

Date locally, OP. No need to use sites like these. They open you up to scams and con artists, people you have no way of verifying on whether they're speaking the truth or not or who they say they are. 


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I agree with the other commenters. Don't date anyone from Omegle. 

Dating apps aren't even that safe either. 

Is just a week. It's ok to have feelings. Don't feel bad or try to stop feeling some type of way, but If you want something long lasting, get to know this person. 


We can't really tell you if he is sincere or not, or if this relationship has potential. We may say it's dangerous or that it's good, but only you and he can decide that. 


No one knows the future. There are people that date by the book and still end up with someone terrible. And some people take risks and end up with someone amazing. 

You know deep down. You are questioning, you said you're unsure, so that's your answer. 

Get to know him better without sharing any location or identifying information. But don't get your hopes up. Stay neutral. But dating apps, in person, etc always stay safe and use precaution. 


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