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He block me on Social Media

Marie aparis

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He block me on social media, he always does this whenever we get into a fight. Yesterday we fight because I just asked his permission for me to have a tattoo, he gets mad and he also told me that when I get a tattoo, I will not see him anymore, I told him that you don't want me to wear sexy clothes yet I still followed your rules and now you don't want me to have any tattoo. He gets mad and he keep saying I am sorry for controlling your life, I am not a Good boyfriend, it's better to die, Im not good in anything. I told him that I am tired of him and I feel suffocated that's why I told him that I want to break up with him after that he blocks me. I can open his social media, when I opened his social media account, I read his conversation with his friend that he still loves me. 


I really love him but I feel suffocated in our relationship because of his attiture also whenever we fight, he always says that its always My fault, I don't understand him but I realised that he wants all the attention. 

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It's called emotional manipulation. He knows you love and care for him and will use that against you so you cave in to his control - if that means he has to shower you with emotional pleas or emotional suicidal thoughts, he will. He is emotionally manipulating you.

The thing is - that sh** is exhausting, even for him. So his other idea is to do all that emotional mumbo jumbo and then block you because he needs some time to build up enough energy again - that is enough energy to manipulate you again when the time comes. 

Do yourself a favor and think for yourself - why are you co-dependent on him? When you start asking yourself why you need a controlling person in your life, you might be able to see that this problem lies within you. If you think you can change/fix him, you are wrong. You will try your whole life or you will settled with a controlling and manipulating guy who doesn't love you for you.

You need to elevate yourself mentally and emotionally so you don't get stuck with a guy who is essentially telling you he is a bad boyfriend.

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No more blaming anymore. If you want to do something or wear certain clothes, just do it. Don't ask for a lot of opinions or permissions from your partner. If you look to that person to validate your tastes or what you choose, it's a fine line between love and hate or a rollercoaster. I think there's always that level of vulnerability when you let someone into your life. You also open yourself up to criticism (hopefully constructive) or other feedback.

It's one thing to share in a discussion or open up thoughts on a topic such as tattoos or what a certain outfit might look like for a second opinion but you first need to develop your own opinion on it and know how much something means to you. 

Things will fall into place after that with the right person. You can express yourself, be assertive and communicative in a healthy and loving relationship.

I disagree with his strong reactions towards you or the things he's saying and it does read a bit like emotional manipulation. 

You can turn that around and remain assertive in what you feel is right for yourself. We can love someone but also have a differing opinion. That is healthy too. Keep the faith and stay strong. 

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1 hour ago, Marie aparis said:

He block me on social media, he always does this whenever we get into a fight.

I just asked his permission for me to have a tattoo

I told him that you don't want me to wear sexy clothes yet I still followed your rules

Is this a BDSM situation? Why do you "follow rules" and "need permission"?  He's abusive. You know that.

Get far away from him and tell your parents or trusted adult what is going on.

Delete and block him from ALL your social media and messaging apps

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He is controlling and abusive.  You need to get away from him, for good!  

You need to address why you would be with someone that gives you “rules,” as this is not normal or healthy.  Do your friends and family know about how this creek treats you? 

block and delete!  Do not date someone like this again m! 

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