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GF Broke Up and texted me


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So about a month ago my gf broke up with me via text. Since then I have been in no contact. She texted me a week after the break up to check up on me. Said she'd always be there for me as a friend. I decided to ignore her as I dont want to be friends. My question is, did i do the right thing? Did she text me cuz she was feeling guilty or did she want to get back? Will she text again you guys think? Ive been in NC for 27 days.

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Depends on how long you were together, prior circumstances, and why you broke up.

You did the right thing. Sitting in the friend zone doesn't work unless feelings are completely resolved.

She might contact again, but don't contact her. She broke up with you.

Unless she says she wants to work it out, ignore her.

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We were together for a year total. But we had been broken up once before (she broke up that time too). We reconciled tho after a month cuz i reached out to her. I feel like she texted purely out of guilt, cuz she broke up and was kinda rude but i kept my cool. So idk what to think. Do you guys think she's struggling as much as i am or has she moved on this time for real.

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Two breakups in a year both done by her is not a promising sign. I'm sorry :(

It's hard to say without knowing why, but she obviously feels you are better apart.

Something wasn't feeling right to her. Take care of you. I know it's hard initially and you miss her

but the best thing to do is try to stay NC and find acceptance.

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The thing is though, the first time she broke up, i remained her "friend" and we still talked. She just felt that i was too secretive and she was feeling uncomfortable, but i think thats a crappy excuse. This time i went NC because i wanted her to know that i wasnt gonna ease her guilt like i did last time. But i wonder if she still misses me or not

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