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Ex girlfriends wants me then doesn't.


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So my ex girlfriend and dated for about a year. When we first started dating she was 16 and I was 18. Throughout the relationship I was a little messed up to her. I would take her for granted a lot. And start a a lot of arguements because I would be insecure. Also didn't really take her serious because she was younger so I would think she was childish but I did like her and strong feelings for her. Well 8 months in the relationship one day her parents went through her phone and read the messages between her and I. And they found out we hooked up and they also the arguments that we had and how sometimes I would say bad things about her. Like calling her a liar or fake. So her mom came to my house and threaten me to call the police on me if I ever try to talk to her daughter. So when that happened I stayed away for like 2 weeks. But my ex gf was really depressed for what happened and she would beg me to go apologize to her parents to fix things. But I didn't wanna go first because I didn't wanna risk going to jail and second because I was being prideful thinking how can I apologize to someone who tried to put me in jail. Then I blamed my ex for this happening because she let her parents go through her phone. And well she got really heart broken and after this she was never the same. We still kept seeing each other after this secretly. But I could tell she lost a lot of feelings for me after and I felt really guilty. And I had realized all the mistakes I made. And as much as tried to make things right I couldn't because her parents wouldn't let her see me. And she didn't have as much feelings as she did Before. We stayed like this for four months. Were we would be breaking up and getting back. And some weeks we would be good and next week would be breaking up. Until about a month ago she broke up with me saying that this is never gonna work out because of her parents. But still calls me like once or twice a week and we text once in a while. And some days it seems like she really wants to get back with me and even tells me she still loves me and likes me. And then dissapears for a whole week or so. I don't really understand her. I still like her too but tbh it's hard to know what to do btw she turns 18 in 2 months but idk that'll change anything.

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Well, first, I think we should address your anger issues. There is never any reason to call girls names, accuse them of cheating, lying, etc., arguing just to argue or you trying to control her by exploding with bad behavior. You're trying to do to your girlfriend what her parents did to her. They got you to back down quick enough, and that's what your anger is doing to your gf, to make her back down and make her subservient to you wishes. If you don't stop this now and correct your behavior, this cycle of anger is going to exist throughout all your relationships, spreading emotional abuse all around.


As for your gf, her parents are an important part of her life, and they read what you've said to her. To them, you're not a nice person, you're an abuser. and the fact that you've hooked up with their daughter sent them over the edge. I think you've ruined any chance you had with your gf because of how you acted toward her. You probably should cut things off until you've worked to curb your anger, and then a few years from now when she moves out, you might have a chance with her.


But right now, learn to behave and you may do better with your next girlfriend.

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Yea but how do I let her go when she still calls and texts me. And when we talk it's all good we don't have a problem we can talk for hours. I have learned a lot from this and even changed and she's sees that but idk what's stopping her from fully commiting back. It's confusing.

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