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I “dated” a guy for a year and a half. It was mostly a hook up situation. We would hangout once or twice a week and talk all day long. It felt like he was my boyfriend but he wouldn’t make it official. I liked him so much it honestly feels like I was in love with him. In July I was fed up and I told him how I felt and asked him if it was going anywhere. He said that it wasn’t going anywhere and that we should stop talking.


Since then I have been acting totally psycho. I don’t want to feel like this and I don’t want to act like this, but it’s like I can’t control myself. I’ve made a fake dating profile to see if he was talking to girls on his. I’ve also texted him pretending to be my friend and got him to say things like that he was using me for sex because he was bored, talked to me to pass the time, thinks I’m only a 6/10 etc.


I realize that is totally psycho behavior and I don’t know what to do. It’s like I will literally do anything to talk to him and I don’t know why I am acting like this. I feel like I will never move on and my only option is to try to make things work with him, and I know that’s totally ridiculous. I don’t know how to move on and stop acting like this. Should I see a counselor? Help!

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i think you feel like this because you had fallen for him. you will have to stop contacting him and give yourself time to heal.

it's too late now but maybe you should have asked him the question earlier before you were too far gone.

im sorry this has happened to you, unfortunately the way the dating world is now it's just the way things are.

ty to stay away from him and you will heal a lot quicker.

good luck and i hope you find happiness.

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First of all, what you're going through is perfectly normal. None of us are in full control of our emotions. We fall for the wrong people sometimes and we pass up opportunities with the right people. As Knight2001 pointed out, you fell for him. That's no crime. What was a crime was that you were only being used for sex and that he was only seeing you because he was bored. One way to counteract one strong emotion is with another. Anger. Keep telling yourself you were being used. He felt nothing for you other than that. There is nothing there for you. Cut your losses and look for someone who will appreciate you.

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Things will not work with him because he doesn't feel the way you do and you know it, you just have to accept it. Instead of trying to talk to him through fake profiles maybe try getting a journal and pretend you are writing to him but don't send it. And get out all your frustration on there. I would be very angry if I was you so let yourself be angry and hate him if you want just don't involve him anymore

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I keep trying to think of more ways to talk to him. I'm so depressed and I feel like I need to explain to him why I acted like this. What should I do?


As hard as this is to read, there is nothing you can do except stop contacting him.


He doesn't care for an explanation, his mind is made up about you. I'm speaking from experience. I know how difficult it is, but the best thing for you is to go No Contact.

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