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Bipolar - Feeling Incredibly Alone

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Hello All. I'm a 33 year old woman with bipolar disorder, unmedicated and feeling so alone. I feel like everyone can tell so have depression and no one wants to be around me. It's to the point where I don't want to live anymore. I try to talk to therapists but there's so many facets of my life that has issues. After recently loosing a friendship because I depleted her energy, I am left alone again. Last week, I had what so thought was a hopeful date but they felt something wasn't right. So I feel sad that no one wants to be with me, I'm not special or likeable...and I've been single for a long time. My last exes have broken up with me cause they can't handle the bipolar illness. I feel as though no one can therefore I don't want to be here anymore. I just feel incredibly alone and wish there were people that understand these feelings.

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I have a couple therapists but every session we seem to talk about different things and then after the conversation there is something else that's missing. I'm trying to take medications again. I just feel like things won't change. I'll continue to loose friends. People will continue to dump me. People I'm attracted to are not attracted to me...it's depressing

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Hello All. I'm a 33 year old woman with bipolar disorder, unmedicated.

Any reason for that? Seems a bit odd that you are aware you are bipolar yet you don't take medication to help stabilise you. Makes no sense at all. Make an effort to get the appropriate medication which can make an enormous difference to your wellbeing.

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Sounds like your mind is a really negative place and you can't seem to get out of it. I to have had to let a friend go because she was so energy depleting. Not sure if she is bipolar but their may be a mental issue there. Just understand don't take it personally. People need to protect themselves. The only person that can help you is you. You are your problem and you are your solution. Dig deep and choose life because Its worth getting out of the hole. You know you have a mental illness one you accept it you will be able to manage amd take care of it. I do understand and acknowledge your pain. But you can do it. You can have a fulfilled life that's worth living

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