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Does the girl like me?


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I really like this girl but she has a boyfriend. When asking her out to a party she said she couldn't but didn't give an answer whereas when someone else asked hereto come earlier they it was because she was going out with her boyfriend. When talking to her she doesnt mention her boyfriend alot. Also when I was speaking to her she was asking me about this girl she thought I liked and brought up a time when we hooked up together saying she remembered it all. Also was saying bad stuff about the other girl behind her back to someone. Im not sure if she is just in to me and I should pursue or not?

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Why on earth are you pursuing a taken woman? What about the other 3 billion women in the world?


I think you're crazy and selfish to keep trying to get her. I think it's evil to try to break up a relationship because of your selfish desires. If you truly cared for her you would convey your happiness to her for her, and explain that you need to cease contact for a while until you get yourself together.


If you put only a fraction of the time you spend pining after her into finding another woman, you would be in a much better position

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I was dancing with her at this party and she was really enjoying herself and she would always laugh at my jokes (I may just be funny). Also when I was speaking to her she brought up a time when we hooked up and said she remembers it well and said it was a good party also she later went on to ask me if anything was happening with this other girl. I also heard that she was saying g bad stuff about this girl that she questioned me about. I'm not sure if she is just being a nice person or she likes me. Please help!

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Also was saying bad stuff about the other girl behind her back to someone.


This hit me even worse. Bad mouthing another girl just because of a guy?


She might like you, she might just like the attention. Since she already has a BF though, it doesn't really matter because it's always gonna be a no or an affair. Both are bad.

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