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I need words of wisdom


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Hey everyone,

I have been off and on here for a few years. Last thing was breaking up with an ex about 3 years ago, I am fully healed from that and have been dating here and there. I am busy with my masters program right now so I havent put much effort into dating lately. Theres this guy I knew from years ago who started texting me shortly after my ex and I broke up but I never followed through hanging out with him because I didnt feel ready and also I heard he did not have the best reputation so I was trying to keep my distance. Fast forward to these last few months. He really pushed to hangout and was trying to essentially "sell himself" to me, and ironically he is a car salesman...in the back of my mind I kept thinking of all the bad things I heard which some say is not fair but Im just cautious especially whe its people I know who told me these things. I finally decided to see this guy since he hasnt stopped and I thought maybe two years have passed and he is different now. We had a great night then watched a movie and kissed. It was very nice and he said he wanted to see me again but I took that with a grain of salt and rightfully so. It has been a week since we hungout and we have texted here and there as we both are busy. He had asked me to do something yesterday and I told him to text me after work to discuss what as I was busy at the time. He never texted me but posted his outings on social media. I truly dont care about that, what bugs me is not shooting me a text and saying Im busy now especially when it was him who asked to do something. I think it is pretty obvious he finally got to hangout and probably enjoyed the chase and is now slowly backing out. Im trying not to let it bother me but it does. Any advice of what to do? And how not to feel like a complete idiot?

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In all fairness you two are not in a relationship so maybe the guy isn't treating it the same way you are, If you two hanged out and it went really well but all he got out of it was a kiss then i don't see why he would trying to back out of this thing you two got going on. Maybe try and go with the flow and see if he messages you or give him a text and read his interest in the conversations you have. Just don't have a go at him for it just play it off if it comes up in conversation.

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It sounds like you should not get too invested before he proves his worth. Maybe he's a good guy, maybe he's not. But don't read too much into texts and social media posts, and don't try to justify or rationalize someone else's actions. It'll drive you crazy. Keep at your studies, and keep surrounding yourself with good people who are worth your effort.

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He texted me this morning...then asked to hangout really late tonight. Sounds like a booty call to me and maybe I should just cut my losses.


I have never done this, but what if you ask him to meet up earlier or another day to see if it is indeed a booty call? Just a thought.

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