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Getting over a commitment phobic man.

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Nearly 3 months ago the guy I had been with for a year slowly detached himself from me and never wanted to see me again.He is terrified of commitment after a bad divorce 5 years ago. We were great together and he promised me the world. Why does it hurt so bad? Why am I still hurting 3 months later? This feels like a different kind of hurt than I have experienced before. This experience has turned me into a bit of a crazy lady at times and I'm so laid back. I don't understand why and I never will 😣

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If you've stayed in contact, then stop that so closure can happen more quickly. Otherwise, see your mourning as a necessary step to heal. As long as the mourning doesn't go past the one year mark for that short of a relationship, consider it as normal. You'll get there. Pamper yourself and spend time with girlfriends. Good luck.

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What kind of "commitment"? Exclusive dating? Moving in? Marriage? After dating only a year, were you in an exclusive relationship? Breakups hurt and are disappointing.


Excess hurt comes from over-investing in future-talk. You are pining over what ifs and what you hoped could have been, not what actually was.

He is terrified of commitment after a bad divorce 5 years ago. he promised me the world.
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He did tell me but as the relationship progressed he told me that being with him made him want a relationship then he got the fear because we were getting closer and told me he couldn't give me what I wanted and that was just an exclusive relationship. Nothing more, nothing else.

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He was dating others the entire year you were together? Were you also dating others?

he got the fear because we were getting closer and told me he couldn't give me what I wanted and that was just an exclusive relationship.
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One day I saw a sign on someones yard saying "Beware of Dog" I looked around and didnt see a dog so figured it would be okay to go in this guys yard. Next thing you know it, the dog raced over and bit my leg really really hard and it hurt. I ran out of the yard bloodied and confused on how I could have gotten bit when I didnt see a dog?


If only there was a way for me to not have gotten hurt...

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No we were just dating each other but he couldn't call me hos girlfriend, he confused the hell out of me if I'm honest.


Why would that confuse you? He "couldn't" call you his girlfriend and he wouldn't promise you exclusivity. That's pretty straight forward to me and it would be a good reason to stop seeing him so that I didn't get addicted to having him in my life.


You have to believe someone who tells you that they don't want to be exclusive with you.

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