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Before reading please note that I do feel bad for the conflicting feelings I have:

- so prior to dating my girlfriend (two months but it feels like forever, moving relatively fast) there was this girl that I shortly fell for. But those feelings faded and all became peachy. I told my girlfriend that there was nothing to worry about, I love her and only her, but then there was a party and it just so happened that SHE was there. Somehow we were all so drunk that the owner of the house said everyone could stay over and there weren't enough couches and beds for everyone to get their own and we ended up sleeping on the same couch. I woke up, said my goodbyes and she was out of my head. But now I catch myself thinking of her and even letting the name slip every so often. It shouldn't be a problem because I do love my girlfriend but she has been on my mind a bit too much for me to think nothing of it now.

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it was more but only briefly. I say 2 weeks max. We both professed there was more there and we bonded over similar grounds. It just didn't work because the dynamic was very complex. My girlfriend and I connect but in other mundane topics, the ones of the other girl were very odd and very special areas that only a few people would know.

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And did you move directly from her to your girlfriend? With as fast as things have moved with your girlfriend, it wouldn't surprise me if you had a little more attachment to this girl than you even realized.


I guess the more important question for you is why you are with your girlfriend instead of her. There was a reason your fling with couch girl ended, and there was a reason you started things with your current girlfriend. Ponder that for a bit and figure out who you actually want to be with.

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