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what to expect is/are opinion of men about getting someone pregnant or chance to

Belgian girl

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My eggleaders didn`t work for about seven months but about five weeks ago I did had period blood (dark brown, thick). Anyone has a clue how to interpret what`s going on now? Feel like eating a lot, PMS

alike mood last week, feel like wanting to eat a lot of sweet foods, currently I don`t feel like PMS but also no blood loss but lowered immunity (which I have during period and/or during PMS) ?

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My eggleaders didn`t work for about seven months but about five weeks ago I did had period blood (dark brown, thick). Anyone has a clue how to interpret what`s going on now? Feel like eating a lot, PMS

alike mood last week, feel like wanting to eat a lot of sweet foods, currently I don`t feel like PMS but also no blood loss but lowered immunity (which I have during period and/or during PMS) ?


You said you DIDN'T have unprotected sex with that guy. Is this a different guy?


Why are you having unprotected sex? Are you hoping to get pregnant so the guy will marry you?

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I do have a child wish


And do you wish to consider the best interests of a child - can you provide for a child as a single parent? Is your body healthy enough to handle a pregnancy and give birth to a healthy child? What preparations have you done to provide for a child's needs for food clothing a home and adult care? Do you have enough savings in case you get no child support and can't work while your child is not yet on school? A child wish doesn't mean it's fair to dog a. Hold onto this world who you plan to be the single mother to.

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Belgian Girl, you need to be upfront with your man if you're trying to have a child by him. You need to talk to him and explain quite clearly what your plans are and, more importantly, you need to make sure he is okay with these plans. It is extremely immoral to sabotage birth control or whatever just so you can have a baby.

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I am chronical ill which makes me unable to work but it is not genetical and it however does limits partner choise as a result of allergies.. auto immunity

How do you propose to raise a child as a single mother when you are "unable to work" ? How do you clothe, feed and educate this child with no money (no job)?

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