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Hi all,

So my ex fiance split up with me in december. He did a lot of cruel and unforgivable things since the sudden break up and just blocked me off everything and was very cold and cruel towards me. After NC for 3 months of the 5, he called me on saturday at 2 am. He did this a month ago but it was only one missed call and he didnt try to contact me again. This time, it was 6 missed called and i answered on the 7th. He was crying and saying he regrets everything and misses me every day, still wants to spend his life with me etc. I said he was just drunk and he insisted that this was how he truly felt and asked to see me sober the next day. I should have told him to **** off and blocked him but i agreed. He texted me in the morning and seemed very eager and a little flirty. I got there and we talked for two hours, it was very calm and I expected it to be more emotional. He continued to say he misses me, kept everything even the engagement ring and is a mess. But he didnt touch on wanting me back or anything bit I was pretty shocked so i didnt think about it. I said "i assume you want to get back together, and although i also still love you and cant seem to move on..if i didnt trust you before how could i trust you now".

He agreed and said "lets continue to talk regularly for now, and who knows where we will be in a month"

He told me to text him when i got home so I did and we spoke normally, however the flirty aspect was gone. He didnt even say "it was good to see you" or thank me for giving him the time of day. So, i asked him "what are your intentions with me"

He replied "my first intentions were for us to start talking and now we are, im not sure. Im still in shock from seeing you and i need to process it"

I was pretty angry. He seemed very sure that he wanted to get back together and then he said that, which i mentioned and he said "youre reading it wrong i do love ypu and miss you i just didnt know how seeing yu would affect me. I thought it would be easy but its difficult" replied something along the lines of i need to process this myself and that i thought he had it figured out and that i was going to bed because the day has drained me.

He hasnt spoken to me since. Still hasnt unblocked me on anything, for all I know hes dissapeared again.

I hate that im affected by this, he had a slim chance of getting me back as it was but I was happy that it was my choice this time and it seems like its not. Anyone have any advice?

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It sounds as though he was lonely and ran back to you because of it but now he sounds like he's not sure. Him being lonely might not have been you specifically, he might have just been lonely in general. But now upon seeing you, he's having second thoughts.

To save yourself from more of this kind of pain, delete and block.

It's not fair of him to mess with your emotions like this.

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Well, I'll give you some reasonable advice since I know you wont block him.


Next time he texts you, take control. If he asks to meet up, tell him that you're busy. It sounds like you want to get back together. Take the power back. Until then, I wish you luck. Games are part of the breakup unfortunately

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Unfortunately he just got dumped by whoever he left you for and wanted a hookup. When that didn't happen he texted this 6776974]He replied "my first intentions were for us to start talking and now we are, im not sure. Im still in shock from seeing you and i need to process it".

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Well, I'll give you some reasonable advice since I know you wont block him.


Next time he texts you, take control. If he asks to meet up, tell him that you're busy. It sounds like you want to get back together. Take the power back. Until then, I wish you luck. Games are part of the breakup unfortunately


I will try that. I just want some control, when he contacted me i expected him to behave as though he really wanted me back. Thats how he came across on the phone and all the time I was there, until I left. If he even ever contacts me again I will. I just feel really helpless. I know I should block him and tell him good riddance, I just can't seem to do it.

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Unfortunately he just got dumped by whoever he left you for and wanted a hookup. When that didn't happen he texted this


He wasnt in a relationship with anyone, and he said he tried dating but it felt wrong and he missed me. It could have been lies but yeah. I see where youre coming from.

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This type of relationship sounds exhausting.

Looks like a good time to explore other options. Why pour your love into a bucket with holes in it?

Find someone who fulfills you in every way instead of dealing with scraps.


I guess so. When we were together he always fulfilled me in every way. I expected him to come back and try to do the same. It is exhasting, im emotionally wrecked atm but I can't seem to show him the door.

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