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I'm At Peace


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I kicked out my drug addict ex fiancee because he is abusive to me, a cheater, a user and manipulator.


It took 18 months of this insane and intense rollercoaster ride from Hell.


I've gone NC and changed my number. Shut down my social media accounts. I've been journaling. I've been reclaiming my home.


Today I called the Prosecutor Attorney to give them information about the proof that my ex is now homeless because he refuses treatment. I kicked him out. He has 2 felony meth possession charges. He missed his court date for the misdemeanor paraphernalia charge from an earlier charge. He has an active warrant for failure to appear. He said he was working out of state. I proved to the PA that he was in town and gave him the link to the website where my ex is currently working on party and play aka sex and meth. He's actually asking for it. Dumb!

I told the prosecutor that he might not show because he is working out of state.

Apparently, this court date is the date that the judge decides his fate. If he doesn't agree he will request a jury trial.


I feel so good telling the truth.

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This is great news, so glad to hear you're doing well and pulling yourself up out of the quagmire and realizing your ex needs to handle his own life.


Stay strong, stay proud, you're doing a very good thing for yourself and those around you. This is very good, so proud of you.

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