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Should I break up with my girlfriend?


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So me and my girlfriend have been dating for 3 months. The first month was really fun, happy, and exciting. The first problem in our relationship came around the second month, when she snuck out at night with her friend to smoke weed with guys 1 year older than her. It made me mad because she tried to hide it from me and promised she'd do it with me first but lied. Then complete hell came the third month. Let me just start by saying that I'm not controlling and I'm a very out going guy. Anyways the third month came and things started to get really bad because she became really weird and wanted me to block all these girls that I use to like that I'm friends with on my phone, and wanted me to not talk to them. Then she started telling me I can't go to parties without her because she thinks I'd do something behind her back and she feels 'hurt'. So anyways March Break comes and I get invited to lots of parties and since I wanna be "loyal" I don't go to any of them, but then yesterday she got invited to her first party and I figured she wouldnt go. Anyways that night I took her out to the movies and payed for her, but the whole time in the theatre she was texting one of her girl friends hidding her phone from me and was texting her about how she's gonna go to this party with her, but the whole time she was telling me about how she doesn't wanna go because she wants to be loyal. Then the second she gets home she goes to this party with her friend. During the party she didn't care about what she did, but after the party she freaked out and begged me not to leave her.



These aren't the only problems I find with her. I find that she doesn't know right from wrong and constantly does bad things that hurt our relationship thinking there good. She rarely goes on dates unless I get mad about it. I've also caught her a lot texting guys that crush on her and I block them on her phone. (Is that wrong to do?) Our relationship honestly feels like I'm controlling everything I might as well be dating a brick wall. I really don't think she's ready for a serious relationship.



I need advice on what to do I really like her, and I cried all night because of what she did and how she treats me. I talked to her about it but I heard the same thing she says everytime she messes up "I promise on my moms life this time will be different I'm done hurting u" (she's done lots of stuff that I haven't mentioned)

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She sounds really immature and not ready for a relationship.

I know you love her but sometimes you need to walk away from people who are toxic.

This girl is sneaky and immature.

That isn't going to change anytime soon.

3 months is when the good behavior wears off and you see exactly what you have.

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Welcome to crazy girlfriend land. No, you keep your friends and your social life. Yeah, leave her phone alone and don't act insecure.


3 mos is long enough to know what's going on so it may be time to pull the plug and break free, no? Too many head games going on here.

she became really weird and wanted me to block all these girls that I use to like that I'm friends with on my phone, and wanted me to not talk to them. Then she started telling me I can't go to parties without her because she thinks I'd do something behind her back and she feels 'hurt'.Our relationship honestly feels like I'm controlling everything I might as well be dating a brick wall.
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I don't want to be judgmental but all I could think of is that your girlfriend is, selfish, immature and insecure. I think you are going to head down a rough road if you continue with this relationship.


She is trying to control you but the ironic part is, she's telling you NOT to do all those things that she does behind your back. OMG, how does that make any sense? There are no logic behind what she's trying to tell you and what she's doing WHATSOEVER!


I mostly give advice to give both sides the benefit of the doubt and try to work it through. This time, I don't think you should waste your time working it through. No point in even "talking" to her about it because her logic is like a 5 year old. (that's giving her a lot of credit)


By the way, you should NEVER let anyone tell you whom you can or can not talk to! Also, whom you hang out with or which party to go to! She's just jealous because she doesn't get invited to as many parties as you, but as soon as ONE pops up which she is invited to, she jumps behind your back and goes. Her behavior is toxic and is wrong at so many levels. You deserve better and I say, you drop her and move on to someone whom could think at the same level as you.

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No offence.. but you're BOTH controlling and this is *** behaviour from you both.


Called immature.


- Neither trust the other and no, you don't go blocking others on her phone. You dont touch it... called 'Respect'.

IF you feel you do not 'trust' her, then you shouldn't be together... simple!


If you both want to goto parties.. then fine.. go. The other can go along.. or not. Called.. communication.

(again,, trust issue's).


BUT, you cannot stop the other from having a life and some enjoyment in it. Oh, and you should not have to 'get mad' for someone to go on a date with you....


If you feel she's emotionally cheating on you- then again, you're not meant to be.


But don't lose yourself over this chic. Get out of it.


All in all, this is a Toxic relationship. Isn't working... is it??


It's been 3 months? That's enough time to pick up on whether this will keep moving ahead or not.


it's not.


Take care of YOURSELF. Move on.

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