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What to do with my ex? We split a year ago? I need advice please....

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I’m having thoughts about my ex and the relationship we had and it’s driving me crazy. I want an outside perspective of our situation so someone can give me some advice as to what I should do. To make a long story short, my ex and I split up a year ago after being together 2 years. We first split up in January of 2016 after he confessed he still loved me but fell out of love with me. I was devastated and went into a state of depression where I tried no contact for a month but unfortunately we had to see each other again because we had concert tickets for a band we’d purchased months before we split. After the concert he confessed he missed me so we got back together. I come to find out through twitter that he had been seeing someone a week after we split which tore me in half and still bothers me up until this day. How do you get over someone that quick? I couldn’t do the same, all I thought about was him. A month after we got back together he started behaving the same way he did before we first broke up. He’d never make time to see me, took forever to respond texts, and was never in the mood for sex. I told him I felt unappreciated and being with him was causing me anxiety and panic attacks so I broke things off, even though it was him who wanted to all along. His excuse was he didn’t want to hurt me and didn’t know how to break the news. Immediately I cut out all contact and we didn’t text or speak for months. In the months that followed, I texted him happy birthday and he did the same. Later I started dating a new guy and posting about it online and suddenly he texts me out of the blue telling me he misses me and would like to go out for lunch to catch up. I said no, because I was afraid seeing him would bring back old feelings, given the fact I still love him, and would devastate me if he brought up he was dating someone else. I haven’t even stalked his social media since we split because I don’t want to see who he’s with or what he’s been doing. He checks up on my snapchat and other social networks everyday. He tried this again 2 months ago, saying he really misses me and wishes to be my friend and this time I ignored it. So what do I do? Am I being a bad person for not wanting to have any relationship with him? I already expressed the fact I can’t be friends with him because I’m still in love with him. I don’t know what to do. He’s all I think about and knowing he doesn’t want to be anything besides my friend hurts me. I’m even dating a new guy now to see if I can fall in love again and he's all I think about from the minute I wake up. How can I get some sort of closure without having contact with him and get over him for good? anyone, please help me..


You need to stay strict no contact and block and delete him from all social media. Focus on your new relationship and don't let his string along talk and drivel continue to mess with your head, emotions or new relationship.


You need to block him because it really sounds like he just doesn't want you to move on from him. You already know how he is, and you know what you have to do. Remove him from your life and never look back. Do you think he considers you as a friend? Friends don't hurt each other. If he really loved you he would respect you and want more for you.


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