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Girlfriend always upset

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Hey guys,


I'm 26 and my girl is 25, we have been with eachother almost a year now and I have to say the relationship has been a roller-coaster.


The problem is my girlfriend is constantly upset! Like for example yesterday we went out for some drinks at a bar. I noticed at one point these trash girls opposite us with a drug dealer guy started starring at me smiling but I looked away as I'd never cheat on my girl, let alone even have the thought too. So I said to my girlfriend “I can't stand these type of girls opposite us. They can see that I'm with you yet one of them tried smiling at me and it made me uncomfortable. People like that smile to boost their low self esteem because they think they can take your place or wish they could have a decent boyfriend. Nothing but a bunch of cheaters!”…. After saying that I thought my girlfriend would laugh or agree with me. Yet she just started crying and saying “because you want to f**k them, I'm better than them, they can't take my place”. Then from that point on the whole night was ruined. She just kept crying and arguing with me. It's horrible because I love her but I know I haven't done anything wrong yet I'm blaming myself for making her cry. I had to say sorry and make her feel special until we made up again later on in the night.. But my point is that, it's nothing but a constant repetitive cycle! Every two weeks something similar happens. Where she crys over the littlest things and I've got to fix it, it's really draining. She also recently said “you make me feel so bad, that it's got so gotten so bad that I'm ready to date new people “ and I also caught her on a dating application before She's constantly accusing me of cheating and talking to other girls. She said she's had this feeling about me for like the last 6months…


I dunno what to do anymore. It's like stepping on eggshells, constantly having to be cautious with my words if you know what I mean.


I've been in a relationship like this too, it's exhausting. My opinion is that you both have some insecurities and they're playing off of each other. I don't condone her reaction at the bar but I don't see the point in even saying what you said to her. Seems like you wanted her to notice that you're wanted by those other girls. Unnecessary. There's really only two options I think. You both have to acknowledge and take responsibility for your own insecurities or end the relationship. The way that it's going won't last. So, for you, I think recognize your own insecurities and how those effect her and state your purpose to her and communicate your expectations. It sounds like there's a lot of fear in the relationship and not a lot of healthy communication.


You're dating a girl who is super insecure. Idk how you guys deal with girls like that. They constantly get mad over nothing and you have to fix the 'nothing' to make the relationship happy again. If it's a constant thing then just keep trying I guess but you will burnout eventually. The more it occurs the less patience you'll have and one day you'll just be turned off and tired of it. Only time will tell.


She says she wants to date new people just for a reaction btw. She wants you to fight for her so that she knows you still want her. It's a little mind game. She probably doesn't mean it.


Sounds exhausting however. Hopefully you can talk her out of her behavior.


If she's already on dating aps, then I hate to tell you this but she's not going to stay in this relationship. Her recent comment about thinking about dating others is your last warning that she's got a foot out the door. And it's not because you're doing something wrong. She's a jerk for behaving like that and threatening you in that way. Having said that, I also cannot fathom why you would comment about other girls smiling at you and being cheaters, when you know how your girlfriend is. What were you thinking with that?


In any event, it's my opinion that she cries blue bloody murder when she thinks you're looking at other girls or cheating, but it's because she's projecting. She's the one who can't be trusted.


Why are you still with her? She's a craptactular excuse for a girlfriend.


Just wondering why you mentioned anything to your girlfriend about this other girl smiling at you? If you know she gets upset, I just don't understand why you would mention it. You could have just ignored the girl and not said anything at all. Commenting on it just opened up a can of worms, in my opinion. I'm not saying I agree with how your girlfriend reacts, because I don't, but moving forward I would refrain from saying things that add fuel to the fire.


Just curious why you would bother pointing out that women are looking at you? Were you drunk? Sorry but it sounds like a mess.


More than 1/2 the relationship is her wanting out because of the stuff you say. If she's on dating sites, just end it.

"yet one of them tried smiling at me" . She also recently said “you make me feel so bad, that it's got so gotten so bad that I'm ready to date new people.She said she's had this feeling about me for like the last 6months.
Like for example yesterday we went out for some drinks at a bar. I noticed at one point these trash girls opposite us with a drug dealer guy started starring at me smiling but I looked away as I'd never cheat on my girl, let alone even have the thought too. So I said to my girlfriend “I can't stand these type of girls opposite us. They can see that I'm with you yet one of them tried smiling at me and it made me uncomfortable. People like that smile to boost their low self esteem because they think they can take your place or wish they could have a decent boyfriend. Nothing but a bunch of cheaters!”
Pro tip: NEVER talk about other girls in a room, TO your girlfriend. Positively or negatively. Even negatively, it shows you noticed them. And if your girl friend asks about a girl in a room, give off a "huh? who?" nonchalant vibe even if she's the hottest girl in the room.


I'm not saying your girl doesn't have issues, but bringing up other women in proximity to you is a faux pas.


It's ironic how you are wrongly accused of cheating by her and then she goes on dating sites herself. Sounds like someone is projecting onto you, no? I would suspect she is no innocent, as she has already proven that with her online emotional cheating.


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