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Flirting with ex


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How do you flirt with an ex to re-attract him?

We're friends again and I'm afraid to be put in "the friend zone".

Any flirting tips to get those sparks back?


Thank you


You said he dumped you because you were depressed all the time. Focus on yourself before setting your sites on someone else. Otherwise it'll be the same ol same ol

Yeah, but it has been already 4 months and I'm quite happy now


If he hasn't come back in four months then he's not going to...he's done. Why don't you date someone else ?


If you are afraid then you're acting out of desperation and fear. Not a place of security and happiness. Honestly even from your very short post I can tell you're desperate for his attention. NEVER give away your own power to someone else like this. Its insecurities at its highest and very obvious. He will know this and will be the opposite of attracted to you. Be yourself and stop chasing an ex. He's in the past for a reason.


The only way to get out of the friendzone is to stop hanging out as friends. Pull back get busy with school, events, interests, clubs, groups, volunteering, friends and family


Revolving your life around anyone or orbiting in the friendzone is unattractive. Being happy, busy, active and hanging out with others has a twofold benefit. You improve your own life and people take notice. Flirting with an ex who dumped and friendzoned you comes off as pathetic, don't do it. was down for a long time, and even though I was already in therapy, apparently he got tired of it. He said he couldn't handle it anymore. I don't think he would actually demote me, but maybe he thinks it's normal for friends to do such things?? Well, maybe starting a conversation about getting back together, or like going on 'real dates'..


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