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I want him back


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My boyfriend broke up with me about a week ago. I really did loved him and he loved me back. One day before the break up he told me i was his dream girl and he wanted to marry me and he told me he would never leave me because i was everything to him. The next day he told me he loved me so much when i was omw to work. when i came back from my work he told me he wanted to talk with me, when i came home he told me that he wanted to break up with me. I asked him why and he didnt gave me like a good reason to it. I was heartbroken i cryed the whole day and i started stalking him. He told me he didnt want me back and he needed some time to think if we could stay friends. Today i found out that the reason why he dumped me was because of his friends. They where jealous of our relation ship and they wanted us to break up. He also thought he wasnt the right man for me. Now i dont have any contact with him but it kills me. I still love him so much and i really want him back. He act like he has no feelings for me anymore but i know he's lying cauz he wants to be cool around his friends. I don't really know what to do... We also just came back from holidays togheter. im just broken and i want my man back please help me xx

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You deserve better than to be with someone who would break up with a girl he loves because of peer pressure. No good will come from stalking and begging. I am sorry you are hurting and I know it's hard, but I think your best option is to let him go. He's made his intentions clear. You should respect that.

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How long were you dating? Are you in high school? "He also thought he wasnt the right man for me"...this is his decision, not his friends. Stop stalking him on social media and go no contact and block him. It will show you have self respect and help you heal.

He told me he didnt want me back and he needed some time to think if we could stay friends.
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He didn't break up with you because of his friends. This was his decision. He using his friends as a shield from telling you he really wanted to break up..Go No Contact and stop stalking him on social media.

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So this guy broke up with you because of pressure from his friends? Is this the type of guy you really want to be with? If he could be manipulated by a few friends, then how do you think he will handle having another flirt with him? How would he handle the real pressures of a relationship? He wouldnt, he would run and take the easiest path rather than working with you.


This guy had his chance. He left you.. you deserve more than that.

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