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any type of stories/confessions forum


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Hi! I'm Ellie. This forum is about confessing whatever like for example the time u were eating with your mouth open in front of your crush. Or telling a story about the time you pranked your mom when u were 15 with a realistic looking birthright that you and your bf made on photoshop (I DO NOT PROMOTE UNDER AGED PREGNANCY IF YOU ARE NOT MARRIED AND OR UNDER AGED DO NOT DO IT!!!) So please choose wisely. So scream at the top of ur lungs with ur stories on this forum!


You are a new poster. I am a little skeptic.


I would be very careful about posting any "confessions" over the Internet in general- especially on a public forum that can be viewed by anybody. ENA posts can easily be pulled up by a quick Google search. Think about your (future) employers, friends, and family stumbling upon posts and figuring out your identity.


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