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I have two tattoos. One's a black flag on my shoulder where my flag patch was on my Army uniform. Beneath it, I have a quote inscribed around my arm as a band.


I suppose I still consider myself an anarchist but I don't care nearly enough to bring it up in a discussion anymore, much less get a tattoo of of it. And I don't agree with the quote written around my arm.


Soooooooo, I have two pointless tattoos. I don't feel regret when I see them in the mirror. I'm just very indifferent. Honestly, I don't even notice them 99% of the time. Given that, I don't think I could judge someone positively or negatively for having tattoos. No one is who they were 10 years ago and having ink on your skin doesn't change that.

That is true. Very different methods of tattooing back then. I don't know how the tattoos of today will look when we are older. I guess that's something to find out later when I'm in the nursing home.


In any case, I wouldn't sweat it. Everyone looks like a prune past a certain age.



hahahhaahha yes yes yes ....when I was pinning my cheeks back into their rightful place this morning my concern was not with my tattoos ...



I have two on my foof ...wonder how ignorant this poster thinks I am now hehe


The more liberal they are about the tats, the more ignorant or irresponsible they tend to be

I got a small one on my bum about 15 years ago. I HATE it, and wish I never got it. I saw plastic surgeon about getting it removed and he didn't think it was worth the bother telling me that I would have a scar where the tattoo had been. He suggested I get a different tattoo done on top of it. It hurt like hell, and Im just glad not too many people get to see my bum.


LOL yes. Now you walk down the street and so many of the young uns have tattoos all over themselves. Where I was from, 20 years age, that was sort of risqué for female to have that done - and I liked being part of the Naughty Party I admit!

LOL yes. Now you walk down the street and so many of the young uns have tattoos all over themselves. Where I was from, 20 years age, that was sort of risqué for female to have that done - and I liked being part of the Naughty Party I admit!


yep same ...I got my nose pierced when I was 16/17 .... my mother was disgusted beyond all belief and I had to put my hand over it every time I walked past her for about 6 weeks ... it was outragious ...it is hard to believe isn't it ..

I am someone who actually really doesn't like tattoos.


Now, as for why I don't like tattoos, it's more of a personal "I don't want to get a tattoo". It's a highly personal choice. For me, I don't want my skin to be marked permanently, simple as that. I don't think of my skin as a canvas. There is nothing in this world that I feel strongly enough to ink my body with so it remains with me for life.


When it comes to dating, I find them quite unattractive on guys. I don't like looking at a guy and seeing skin that has tattoos on it. I don't know, just don't like it. That's probably my one physical dealbreaker.


That being said, I know I'm in the minority here.

Fudgie answered for me - word for word.

yep same ...I got my nose pierced when I was 16/17 .... my mother was disgusted beyond all belief and I had to put my hand over it every time I walked past her for about 6 weeks ... it was outragious ...it is hard to believe isn't it ..


LOL. when my son was in primary school, he was at me to get a nose piercing - a diamond stud. I'm scared of pain so didn't get it done.


Re tattoos, I had henna tattoo done up inside of my arm and just loved it. Wish it could have lasted a bit longer,


Screw anyone who treats you different because you have a tattoo! That's prejudice man! Other than if you're an employer and you have rules about dress code. And even then, why do people care! It just doesn't matter really. You should except people no matter how they look. I suppose being covered in swear words or something would be pretty threatening! But, I'm imagining that's not what you have. Because that would not be complying with other rules of society as well!(Unless they are hidden! Hahaha)


Oh and my bf has loads of tatoos which I don't particularly like. I actually laughed at many of them when I first saw them haha. They are quite silly. He's even gotten four new ones in the last month....which only annoys me because he didn't mention anything at all and they make me feel like he's impulsive and doesn't tell me stuff sometimes, BUT that has no reflection on the tatoos. He can do what he likes with his body. It's his body, not mine. Also, when you're with someone properly, you don't really see the tatoos as just images or anything, to be honest you barely notice them at all. You're more focused on the person. Well, I am anyway. It'd be like staring at someone's hands or something. They're just an initial sight for most people. The fun lies in getting to know the person beyond the tatoos.

LOL. when my son was in primary school, he was at me to get a nose piercing - a diamond stud. I'm scared of pain so didn't get it done.


Re tattoos, I had henna tattoo done up inside of my arm and just loved it. Wish it could have lasted a bit longer,


Oh darling when you come stay with us ems will henna you up to the max , we love it ..and it is a lovely way to decorate your body without it been permanent ..and ems is really good at it , we just get the tubes off ebay .


On a serious note about tats , I nearly didnt get into the army because of mine ..it really was a different world when we where teens . I had one on my boob and one on my thigh , only really little ... I had them done when I was 15 in someones shed haha ... anyway the criteria amongst other things for the forces was NO TATS ... anyway the doctor who gave me the medical as I was joining said they where ok , hidden and caused no offence ...so I thought I was ok ....anyway in basic training I got called out and had to stand before the personnel officer and a couple of the senior ranking nursing staff in my bra and knickers while they ummed and arrred about them . I was stood there in disbelief that my career was hanging in the balance over two tiny little tats . They thankfully decided they caused no offence to anyone and as they where hidden it was ok . A couple of years later I actually had the boob one removed , the army did it for me , it was so tiny they where able to just cut it out and stitch back up . So I can certainly see how the world has changed since then .


I have 3 and(I had to count) 11 piercings. They are all "work friendly". If something wouldn't be it would be my nostril, but I can easily wear a micro in it or a retainer if needed(I haven't). My first lobe piercings are stretched to an 8g(pretty small).


Yeah, I'll be a prune one day. Stuff will sag, including the ink. There's no stopping gravity. I'm alright with it, and I feel the same about other people's body mod choices.





That would be so much fun Pip. Thanks!.


Yes, I also remember in my teens when girls started getting an extra ear lobe piercings. That was only in the 70's. Two of my gf BF ditched them over that. Not just conservative, but they wanted the girls to look like suntanned goddesses. One of those friends was starting to do stuff like put bits of blue and green at front and sides of her hair. She also wore these large (by standard of the time) peacock feather earrings. She just wasn't fitting the stereotype of attractive female, but she stuck to her guns. The guy turned out to be a real jerk anyway.


I'm definitely in the minority opinion.


I've never seen a body part with a tattoo that I didn't think was ruined by it. It's not that I don't find some of the art aesthetically well-done, it's that it mars a human body in my opinion.


The other thing that bothers me about tattoos is that now that so many people have them (it seems like more people have them than don't) I just don't see anything original in any of them. It's like anything else in fashion -- if one person is wearing those daring boots, it turns heads. Once everyone start copycatting and wears those boots, nothing's special about them anymore.


I don't really relate to the idea that a personal symbol is best honored by putting it on your body permanently. Not only do I personally have nothing I'd like to "wear" for the rest of my life, but I actually think that the more important something is to me, the more it detracts from its power to make a concrete icon of it. I mean, I understand how people feel that way, but I also don't. You don't really need to remind yourself with a visual of what's important to you, do you?


And for those who have sleeves and facial tattoos, and large, visible ones...I think it's a good deal of exhibitionism. Or a kind of self-objectification. It just is what it is. I wouldn't judge someone's character on it, or their competency in a chosen field, but I think it can become a kind of fetish and the psychology intrigues me because whenever I see someone with numerous tattoos, my response is, "That person has a lot of tattoos" -- and I just look past whatever the tattoos are. I have to wonder, are they aware of this? Or do they think I'm as interested in what they're exhibiting as they are? If not, what purpose does the publicity aspect of it serve for a person? Unless I'm stuck next to someone in a line and their shoulder is near my face, I am only at best glancing at the tattoos, and without any intention or attention. It's just a blur to me. So except for the appreciation of other tattoo enthusiasts I just wonder if this kind of self-expression is getting the results people think it is.


I wouldn't completely write someone off as a romantic partner if they had them but it would also depend on how extensively they were tattooed, and where. I must say, I miss the "old days" when I didn't have to worry about the guy I'm into baring himself and revealing some decorative splotch on his skin (though usually a guy will eagerly show me if he has one), or having one for me to have to look at every time I'm looking at him. Finding a guy I like with virgin skin feels like winning the lottery.


I once dated a guy with visible tattoos on his upper body and it was like being coerced to keep looking at a painting I didn't like on my wall.


oh silver thats madness isn't it ..hahahahahahahaha I wish I could walk my emily through my teenage years hahahah


I started at school to be alternative ..by the time I left I had shaved my eyebrows off and drew them on and literally looked like siuoxsie sioux of the banshees ...we got started at wherever we went , there was only two nightclubs in my hometown for punks/goths and oneof them was the only gay club .


so bumblebee darling ...what do you think ? you gonna have one or is everyone coming to my house to get henna'd up by my emily hahah


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