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Ex accused me of doing black magic ...


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This is NOT a joke !

The ones that know of my situation know that after dumping me for another woman and me jumping into NC right after having to hear it through the grapevine he has been trying to contact me.


Today he sent me a text, a reminder of an appointement I had for a check up.

He sent the same to my mother since I had hem blocked on my Phone (deblocked since I thought he would have stopped by now)

It was a nice text, more of an excuse to send a text if you ask me since that apointement is still far away.

After not getting a respond from me he sends my mom a text with how he has been to see a reader, and how I've been trying to do black magic on him and this new bird, and that karma will get me ... OMG.


After that he sent me a text, again with the same stuff of how I don't want him to see his daughter. (not true)


I'm getting kinda scared. I am ignoring him, but this is over the top and I have no idea what he is trying to do.

I'm leaving him alone, can't he do the same !!!


So, what is up with him ?

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If it was me... find a lawyer, there are some who will give free consultations.


If you can, get hard-copy evidence of his accusations (e-mail, voicemails, whatever).


From there you may be able to go to the police station (in person) and explain the situation and what your options are, and how they recommend you handle this...


Make the situation known to people close to you (and distant from him), and try to find people you can turn to in an emergency.


This is only to protect yourself from a worst-case...


IMO as a responsible parent at this point I would be concerned about my kid spending time with him, as he's obviously not of sound mind, and exercises poor judgement of his own actions...


It might be time to consider preliminary research for getting a restraining order and full custody...


Otherwise, the only thing you can convince a gullible fool is that they were right all along, so don't even bother with the truth...

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He's trying to get you to respond to him, so he can continue to feel he's got control over you. Do not respond and tell your mom to block and delete him too. Crazy mofo right there, black magic???


Pffffttt, if only it would work that way. You could spell cast that he never calls or texts you again then. Heck, I could spell cast that he never calls or texts you again. Sadly, we have yet to find the particular spell that will stop unwanted communications, otherwise telemarketers and scammers everywhere would be out of jobs. (One can dream though, right?)


Pixels has the right idea, keep this all as evidence. But seriously, I think he's just doing it to try and get you to contact him, so he can be satisfied he still has control. They will try some of the weirdest e doing that. My ex had the nerve to leave a message through a friend that something terrible had happened to his mom and wouldn't I just call. I did, because she had cancer and well I had got on with his mom. Turns out the "terrible" thing was she was signing him up for a dating service. It was all just smoke and mirrors to get me to contact him and he admitted it.


Block, delete, ignore. Keep track and evidence though in case you need to have police or an attorney contact him to tell him to knock it off.


P.S. Since custody is involved make sure your attorney sees this information.

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Thank you Pixels and ParisPaulette.


I will make sure to tell my attorney, it comes in court very soon, the 29th, and I made an appointement with him to talk about all that has happened.


I'm sure you are right, ParisPaulette, it's all about control. Because I am interested in the occult I am doing black magic on them now !

Wow ... All my problems wouldn't be there if I could do magc, let me tell you ...


I just don't understand why people that dump us need to be in control, ParisPaulette. I mean, they choose to dump us, we stay out of their lives, since that's what they wanted ... And after that they're pissed because we don't want anything to do with them anymore ?


I just don't get it ...

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I just don't get it ...


That's because you're a sane individual who doesn't need to control others to make yourself feel good/wanted/love/whatever.


I don't get it either and I worked 16 years in a women's shelter dealing with people who took control sometimes to the point of murder. I never probably will fully get it, such people are simply out there were the buses don't fully run and their logic doesn't make sense because there is no sense.


This is who the guy is, sadly. I hope you get those custody issues worked out, worrisome indeed.

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